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Getting started with Diffusion Cloud

Sign up for Diffusion™ Cloud and start distributing data reliably and scalably through the cloud.

  1. Get a free edition of Diffusion Cloud service.
    1. Go to https://management.ad.diffusion.cloud/#!/login?signup.
    2. Sign up or log in with your email address, or by using your Google™ or GitHub account.
      The sign up or log in dialog.
      When you first sign up for Diffusion Cloud, a free Diffusion Cloud service is provisioned and is accessible from the Home tab of the management page.
      The Home tab of the management page.
  2. Get a paid edition of Diffusion Cloud service.
    • You can upgrade your free edition to a paid edition by clicking the Upgrade button on the service's panel:
      Upgrade button.
      You are redirected to a checkout where you can choose your edition of Diffusion Cloud and enter your payment details.
    • You can add a new service by clicking the New Service button on the Home tab:
      New service button.
      You are redirected to a checkout where you can choose your edition of Diffusion Cloud and enter your payment details.
  3. When your service is provisioned, click the Manage button to go to the Diffusion Cloud Dashboard.
    The manage button.
  4. Use one of our APIs to develop a client application that connects to your Diffusion Cloud service.
    For more information, see Developing clients.
The Diffusion Cloud service management page also includes a Details tab and a Billing tab.
  • In the Details tab you can view and update your account details.
  • In the Billing tab you can view your current and past invoices.