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Updating your Diffusion Cloud edition

You can update your Diffusion™ Cloud service from one edition to another or you can update your Diffusion Cloud service when a new version of Diffusion Cloud becomes available.

Updating the edition

Diffusion Cloud is available in a number of editions that provide different concurrent connection numbers and different data allowances. For more information, see https://www.pushtechnology.com/pricing/

You can upgrade your Diffusion Cloud instance at any time from your provider's management pages.

Updating the version

Push Technology provides regular updates to Diffusion Cloud. These updates include new features and bug fixes.

Updates to the Diffusion Cloud APIs are compatible with clients written against previous versions. From time to time, Push Technology removes support for APIs. When APIs are due for removal – whether methods or classes – they are first deprecated in a prior release.

When an update is available, you can update your Diffusion Cloud instance from the Diffusion Cloud dashboard.
Figure 1. Diffusion Cloud Dashboard: Update prompt Button with label "An upgrade to your service is available"
Figure 2. Diffusion Cloud Dashboard: Update dialog The upgrade dialog

Updating requires that the Diffusion Cloud service be restarted. You can also restart the service at any time from the Diffusion Cloud dashboard. For more information, see Restarting Diffusion Cloud from the Diffusion Cloud Dashboard.

When you restart your Diffusion Cloud service, all topic information — tree structure and topic state — is removed, all subscription information is removed, and all clients are disconnected. When the Diffusion Cloud service restarts, all clients must reconnect, any clients registering handlers must re-register those handlers, publishing clients must create the required topics, and subscribing clients must resubscribe.

Security and authentication information is persisted. If you have the Console add-on enabled, any changes you make to the configuration or layout of your Console are persisted.