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Start subscribing with Swift on iOS®

Create a client that connects to Diffusion™ Cloud. This example uses Swift to create a client and subscribe to a string topic.

To use this example, you need Apple's Xcode installed on your development system and a Diffusion Cloud service. For more information about getting a Diffusion Cloud service, see Getting started with Diffusion Cloud.

You also require that anonymous client connections to the server are assigned a role with the select_topic and read_topic permissions. For example, the "CLIENT" role. For more information about roles and permissions, see Role-based authorization.

This simple subscribing example connects to Diffusion Cloud. It then adds a local fallback string value stream on which to receive notifications regarding updates, followed by sending a request to Diffusion Cloud to subscribe to a topic.

You will need a caller to instantiate a new SimpleSubscriber instance and then call publish().

Full example

import Foundation
import Diffusion

let url = NSURL(string: "wss://host_name")

class SimpleSubscriber: PTDiffusionStringValueStreamDelegate {
    var session: PTDiffusionSession?

    func subscribe() {
        // Connect to Diffusion Cloud
        PTDiffusionSession.open(with: url! as URL) { (session, error) -> Void in
            self.session = session; // maintain strong reference to session

            // Add a new stream
            let stream = PTDiffusionPrimitive.stringValueStream(with: self)

            // Subscribe to the topic
            withTopicSelectorExpression: "example/topic") { (error) -> Void in }

    func diffusionStream(_ stream: PTDiffusionStream,
                         didSubscribeToTopicPath topicPath: String,
                         specification: PTDiffusionTopicSpecification) {
        print("Subscribed: \(topicPath)")

    func diffusionStream(_ stream: PTDiffusionValueStream,
                         didUpdateTopicPath topicPath: String,
                         specification: PTDiffusionTopicSpecification,
                         oldString: String?,
                         newString: String?) {
        print("Update: \(String(describing: newString))")

    func diffusionStream(_ stream: PTDiffusionStream,
                         didUnsubscribeFromTopicPath topicPath: String,
                         specification: PTDiffusionTopicSpecification,
                         reason: PTDiffusionTopicUnsubscriptionReason) {
        print("Unsubscribed: \(topicPath)")

    func diffusionDidClose(_ stream: PTDiffusionStream) {

    func diffusionStream(_ stream: PTDiffusionStream,
                         didFailWithError error: Error) {
        print("Failed: \(error)")