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Client handling

A publisher can receive notifications about and perform actions on individual clients.

Closing/Aborting clients

A publisher can close a client at any time using the close method. This disconnects the client which might choose to subsequently reconnect.

Alternatively a publisher can use the abort method, which sends an abort notification to the client before disconnecting it. A client receiving an abort notification must not attempt to reconnect.

Client notifications

A publisher can choose to receive additional client notifications so that it can be informed when clients connect, disconnect etc.

Client pings

A client ping message is one that can be sent to a client which reflects it back to the server to measure latency. A publisher can send a ping message to a client using the Client.ping method and receives a response on the ClientListener.clientPingResponse method within which the message passed can be queried to establish the round trip time.

Client message filtering

You can filter the messages that get queued for any particular client. For more information, see .