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Publisher closedown

A publisher is stopped and removed when the Diffusion™ server closes but can also be stopped and restarted, or stopped and removed by using the System Management interface.

However a publisher is stopped it always goes through a set of closedown steps, during which the publisherStopping and publisherStopped methods are called. A publisher can implement these methods if required to perform any special processing such as tidying up resources used.

Publisher removal

When a publisher is finally removed (either during server closedown or by using System Management), it cannot be restarted again within the same server instance. After removal the publisherRemoved method is called and this gives the publisher the opportunity to perform any final tidy up processing.

Stopping and restarting using System Management

By default, you cannot stop and restart a publisher using the System Management functions because in order for this to work the publisher must cater for the integrity of its state when this happens. As topics are also removed during stopping, the publisher must also be able to restore these topics if it were restarted.

If a publisher does want to cater for stop and restart using System Management, it must override the isStoppable method to return true. The publisher code must be able to recover topics and data state on restart.