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Publishing messages

Publishing a message means sending it to all clients subscribed to a topic. The message itself nominates the topic to which it relates.

A message for publishing can be created and populated by the publisher and then published using publishing methods on the topic or the publisher itself.

Exclusive messages

To send a message from a publisher to all clients subscribed to a topic except one single client, it can use the publishExclusiveMessage method. This might be appropriate if the message being published is a result of receiving a message from a client which you do not want to send back to that client.

Message priority

The priority at which a message is to be sent can be altered from the normal priority. For example, an urgent message can be sent with high priority causing it to go to the front of the client's queue.

DEPRECATED: Message acknowledgment

Note: Acknowledgements have been removed from the product. The Publisher API methods and configuration that control acknowledgements now have no effect and are deprecated.