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License types

Some advanced Diffusion™ features are limited to certain license types.

Licenses can also limit the number of concurrent sessions or topics.

You can obtain a free Community Production or Evaluation license at community.diffusiondata.com.

The Community Evaluation license is time-limited and intended to help you explore all Diffusion features.

The Community Production license is suitable for production of small-scale applications hosted on a single server.

If you need to buy or upgrade a paid commercial license, contact [email protected] . The sales team can also provide a more capable Evaluation license if required.

Table 1. License capabilities
Feature Restricted Default Community Production Community Evaluation Commercial Commercial with Scale & Availability Pack
Core Diffusion features Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
Production use allowed?   Supported   Supported Supported
Maximum sessions 5 1000 25 Varies Varies
Maximum topics 1000 1000 Unlimited Varies Varies
Maximum CPU cores 8 8 8 Varies Varies
Persistence     Supported   Supported
Remote connections (remote topic views and fan-out)     Supported   Supported
Session replication     Supported   Supported
Topic replication     Supported   Supported
Cluster management (including Prometheus)     Supported   Supported

Commercial license restrictions

A specific commercial license may have restrictions such as an expiry date, allowed IP range or a maximum number of concurrent sessions, depending on your agreement with Push Technology. See License restrictions for details of possible restrictions.