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Configuring the JMX adapter

The Java Management Extensions (JMX) adapter can reflect JMX MBeans their properties and notifications as topics. Configure the JMX adapter using the Publishers.xml configuration file.

The JMX adapter is packaged in the Diffusion™ publisher. The Diffusion publisher must be running for the JMX adapter be enabled.

You can configure the adapter to reflect the state of JMX MBeans and MXBeans as topics. These MBeans can be built-in, Diffusion, or third-party in origin.

Many statistics are available as MBean properties, for example, CPU load, OS version, number of file-descriptors, threads. Making these statistics available as topics to Diffusion clients makes possible the implementation of system monitoring solutions to the web, and all other Diffusion platforms.

Note: Publishing MBean data to topics can constitute a security risk. Ensure that crucial information about your Diffusion server is protected by permissions.
  1. Add the following properties to the <publisher name="Diffusion"> section of the Publishers.xml configuration file located in the etc directory of your Diffusion installation.
    1. Use the JMSAdapter.enabled property to enable the JMX adapter.
      <property name="JMXAdapter.enabled">true</property>
    2. Use the JMSAdapter.refreshFrequency property to specify how often, in milliseconds, the data on the topics is updated.
      <property name="JMXAdapter.refreshFrequency">3000</property>

      The default value is 3 seconds.

    3. Use the JMSAdapter.mbeans property to specify which MBeans to reflect as topics.

      Specify the MBeans using ObjectName format. For more information, see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/javax/management/ObjectName.html

      Specify each ObjectName on a new line.

      <property name="JMXAdapter.mbeans">java.nio:* 
  2. Restart the Diffusion server to reload the configuration.
The specified MBeans and MXBeans are reflected as topics in the Diffusion/MBeans branch of the topic tree.