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Configuring the Diffusion server to use replication

You can configure replication by editing the etc/Replication.xml files of your Diffusion™ servers.

Ensure that you use the same replication configuration on all of the Diffusion servers in your cluster.

Ensure that each server in the cluster has a unique name, as set in etc/Server.xml or the host name if not set.

  1. Edit the Replication.xml file to configure replication.
    	<connector>High Volume Connector<connector>
        <sessionReplication enabled="true" />
    	<topicReplication enabled="true">
    • In the sessionReplication element, set enabled to true to configure the server to replicate sessions between servers in the cluster.
    • In the topicReplication element, set enabled to true to configure the server to replicate topics between servers in the cluster.
    • Inside the topics element, use either includes or excludes elements to define the topics for topic replication and failover of the active update source.

      You can use one or more includes elements, or one or more excludes elements. You cannot mix includes and excludes.

      Each element should contain a path identifying a branch of the topic tree.

      If you use includes elements, topic replication and failover are applied to the specified branches.

      If you use excludes elements, topic replication and failover are applied to all topics except those belonging to the specified branches.

      Unlike a topic selector, the topic path does not contain any leading or trailing characters. For example, use <includes>foo/bar</includes> to select all topics in the branch foo/bar.

  2. In the etc/Connectors.xml file, check there is a connector element with the same name as the connector specified in Replication.xml.
    By default, Connectors.xml contains a "High Volume Connector" profile which you can use for replication. You should tune the profile based on your particular requirements.
  3. Consider adding a quorum element inside the replication element. This defines a minimum number of servers in a cluster, below which all servers will shut down.
    Using this setting can prevent issues after a network partition separates a cluster, and the two resulting clusters try to rejoin, leading to inconsistent data (a "split-brain" condition). See High availability for details.
  4. Restart the Diffusion server to load the configuration.
  5. Ensure that your clients are configured to reconnect if they lose their connection to the server.