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This file specifies the schema for the replication properties.


Properties defining replication.

The following table lists the attributes that an element of type replication can have:
Name Type Description Required
kubernetes-enabled push:boolean Specifies whether Kubernetes replication configuration is enabled for this server. Defaults to 'false'. false
The following table lists the elements that an element of type replication can contain:
Name Type Description Min occurs Max occurs
provider push:string The type of replication provider to use to replicate the data. Currently only Hazelcast is supported. 1 1
customConfigurator push:string DEPRECATED: Since 6.1 this element is ignored and will be removed in a future version. 0 1
connector push:string The name of the connector used to configure connections to other servers in the cluster. A connector with the corresponding name should be configured in Connectors.xml. The connector determines the listen host and port, buffer sizes, and the outbound queue size. If this element is not set, the first configured connector will be used instead and a warning will be issued. 0 1
external-host push:string Optional override of the host name peer servers should use to connect to this server. If not specified, the host name will be derived from the configured connector. The external-host and external-port attributes allow for deployments to environments that use network address translation. 0 1
external-port push:port Optional override of the port peer servers should use to connect to this server. If not specified, the port will be derived from the configured connector. The external-host and external-port attributes allow for deployments to environments that use network address translation. 0 1
quorum push:int Optional quorum size. Diffusion will only start once the size of the cluster satisfies the quorum. Diffusion will shutdown if the size of the cluster falls below the quorum. The quorum size must be at least two. 0 1
sessionReplication sessionReplication The definition for session replication 1 1
topicReplication topicReplication The definition for topic replication 1 1


Properties defining session replication.

The following table lists the attributes that an element of type sessionReplication can have:
Name Type Description Required
enabled push:boolean Specifies whether session replication is enabled for this server. true


Properties defining topic replication.

The following table lists the attributes that an element of type topicReplication can have:
Name Type Description Required
enabled push:boolean Specifies whether topic replication is enabled for this server. true
The following table lists the elements that an element of type topicReplication can contain:
Name Type Description Min occurs Max occurs
topics topics The topics that are configured to use replication. 1 1


Properties defining the topics to replicate. Paths must all be either inclusive or exclusive. It is not possible to include some paths and exclude others.

The following table lists the elements that an element of type topics can contain:
Name Type Description Min occurs Max occurs
includes push:string A path that identifies the root of a tree that will be replicated by this server. The path can be of any depth. 0 unbounded
excludes push:string A path that identifies the root of a tree that will not be replicated by this server. The path cannot be more than one level deep. 0 unbounded