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A string representation of a location at which a topic can exist or through which messages can be sent.

A path consists of parts separated by a slash character (/).

Paths describe a location where a topic can be bound and used for pub-sub distribution of data. When used this way they can be referred to as topic paths.

Paths can be used for bi-directional messaging. When used this way they can be referred to as message paths. A client can send a message to a message path and the Diffusion™ server routes the message to the message handler for the message path.

topic name

topic path

message path

hierarchic topic name

full topic name


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A permission represents the right to perform an action on the Diffusion™ server or on data hosted by the Diffusion server. Permissions can be global- or topic-scoped.


Process ID





A query sent by a client or by the Diffusion server to a connected component to check that the connection exists and the latency of the connection.
The following types of ping are available:
server ping
A client pings the Diffusion server.
system ping
Diffusion pings all clients at a regular interval.


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primary server

In a fan-out solution, the server from which updates are fanned out to replica servers.

In previous releases, this server was called the master server. This terminology in no longer used.

master server


An identity that can be authenticated by the Diffusion server or by a client.

A principal functions like a username, except that instead of identifying a particular person, it denotes an identity that can be used by a person or client. For example, you can use the 'admin' principal to log in to the Diffusion console. After a principal has been authenticated, it can be assigned roles that enable it to access actions or resources.


A protocol defines the exact format of data passed between the Diffusion server and a client.


An obsolete server-side component used to publish messages to one or more topics.

Publishers were supported in previous versions of Diffusion. They are no longer supported. Publishing is now done with clients.

publishing topic

A topic where data is published and from which the data is distributed to subscribing clients.

push notification destination

An endpoint, described by either an APNs device token or a GCM registration ID, where push notifications are received.