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Example: Configuring the Diffusion connection for the JMS adapter running as a standalone client

Standalone client only: Use the server-connection element of the JMSAdapter.xml configuration file to define the connection that the JMS adapter makes to the Diffusion™ server.

    <server url="transport://host:port" reconnection="timeout">
        <authentication principal="principal">
  • The url attribute of the server element is the URL of the Diffusion server to connect to, including the transport protocol and the port to use for the connection.
  • The authentication element defines the principal and password to use to make the connection to the Diffusion server

    Note: The JMS adapter requires a session that has the TOPIC_CONTROL role. Specify a principal with this role for the JMS adapter to use to make the connection.
  • The serverName element is where you define a unique identifier to be used by the JMS adapter in correlation IDs used in messaging. This