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Running the JMS adapter

The JMS adapter is not enabled by default.

The JMS adapter is a Java™ application. The adapter requires Java 8 (8u131-b11 GA or later) or Java 11 (11.0.3 GA or later).

To run the JMS adapter, complete the following steps:
  1. To run the JMS adapter on a different system to the Diffusion™ server, copy the following files from the Diffusion server system to the system where you want to locate the JMS adapter.
    • All files in the adapters/jms directory
    • The Diffusion Java client library: clients/java/diffusion-client.jar
    • The SLF4J JAR file: lib/thirdparty/slf4j-simple-1.7.30.jar
    • A SLF4J bindings JAR files. For example Log4J2, which is provided in the Diffusion installation: lib/thirdparty/log4j-*.jar
  2. Get the JAR file for the third-party JMS provider you use.
  3. Use the JMSAdapter.xml configuration file to define the JMS adapter behavior.

    For more information, see Configuring the JMS adapter.

  4. Edit the jms_adapter.sh or jms_adapter.bat file to include the path to the Diffusion Java client library, SLF4J, and the JMS provider JAR on the classpath.
  5. Use the jms_adapter.sh or jms_adapter.bat file to start the JMS adapter:
    jms_adapter.sh relative_path/JMSAdapter.xml