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Routing topics

A special type of topic, which can map to a different real topic for every client that subscribes to it. In this way, different clients can see different values for what is effectively the same topic from the client point of view.

When a client subscribes to a routing topic, the request is either passed to a client that has registered as a routing subscription handler for the topic or handled by a server-side routing handler. The routing handler assigns a linked topic to represent it to that client.

The routing handler can assign a different linked topic to each client that subscribes to the routing topic.

When updates are received on the linked topic, those updates are propagated through the routing topic to the subscribing clients.

The subscribing client is not aware of the linked topic. It is subscribed to the routing topic and all the updates that the client receives contain only the routing topic path and not the linked topic path.

Why use a routing topic?

Use routing topics when you want your subscribing clients to all have the same subscription behavior, but the data they receive to be decided by a routing handler depending on criteria about that client.

For example, your subscribing clients can subscribe to a routing topic called Price, but the routing handler assigns each client a different linked topic depending on the client's geographic location. This way, clients in different countries can act in the same way, but receive localized information.

Properties of a routing topic

When you create a routing topic you can specify the following properties in the topic specification:
If set to true, when a session unsubscribes from the topic, any updates for the topic that are still queued for the session are removed.

There is a performance overhead to using this option as the client queue must be scanned to find topic updates to remove, however it may prove useful for preventing unwanted data being sent to sessions. This property is disabled by default.

Considerations when using a routing topic

Using routing topics requires that you write a routing handler that is either hosted on the server or registered by a client with the required permissions. The following client APIs can register a routing handler: Java™, .NET, or Android™ API.

A subscribing client only needs permission to subscribe to the routing topic. Permission to subscribe to the linked topic is not required.

If the linked topic is removed, subscribing clients are automatically unsubscribed from the routing topic.

If you attempt to fetch from a routing topic that routes to a stateless topic, no data is returned.

You cannot use topic replication to replicate routing topics between Diffusion™ servers.

When using automatic fan-out to propagate topics from a primary server to one or more secondary servers, the routing subscription handlers for a routing topic must be registered at the primary and all secondary servers. The routing logic provided by the handlers on the primary and secondary server must be identical.