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Running the CDC adapter

The CDC adapter is not enabled by default.

Starting the adapter

The adapter requires a Java installation. The Java requirements are the same as for the Diffusion server.

Run the JAR file provided as cdc-adapter-6.7.11.jar.

There are several ways to run the adapter:

  1. By passing the configuration file as an argument. The passed configuration will be used to override the persisted configuration in the server and set up required services.

    java -jar cdc-adapter-6.7.11 configuration.json

  2. By only passing bootstrap configurations as system properties. If the server contains configuration for this adapter id, it will be used to initialise the adapter.

    java -jar -Dgateway.client.id=testCdcAdapter -Ddiffusion.gateway.server.url=ws://localhost:8080 -Ddiffusion.gateway.principal=admin -Ddiffusion.gateway.password=password cdc-adapter-6.7.11.jar

  3. By passing bootstrap configurations as system properties and configuration file.

    The passed configuration will be used to override the persisted configuration in the server and set up required services. If there is bootstrap configuration defined in the configuration file, it will override any passed as system properties.

    java -jar -Dgateway.client.id=testCdcAdapter -Ddiffusion.gateway.server.url=ws://localhost:8080 -Ddiffusion.gateway.principal=admin -Ddiffusion.gateway.password=password cdc-adapter-6.7.11.jar configuration.json

Note: To use the adapter with a database other than MySQL and PostgreSQL, the Debezium connector JAR for the database you are using needs to be added to the classpath when running the adapter.

Set up a secure connection with Diffusion

  1. Import the Certificate Authority certificate which is used to sign the server's certificate to the local truststore:

    keytool -keystore local.client.truststore.jks -alias <alias> -import -file <ca-cert file name> -storepass <password> -keypass <password>-noprompt

  2. Add the following system properties to the Java run command:

    -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=./local.client.trustStore.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=<password>

  3. Update the URL of the Diffusion server in application.conf to use "wss://"