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Next steps with Docker

The Diffusion™ image on Docker® Hub includes the default configuration, default security, and trial license. Additional steps are required to secure and configure the Diffusion server.

  1. Create a Dockerfile that contains commands to configure a Diffusion image for your use.
    1. Base your Docker image on the Diffusion image.
      FROM pushtechnology/docker-diffusion:6.7.11
    2. To use Diffusion in production, obtain a production license from Push Technology.
      The default Diffusion image includes a development license that allows connections from up to five clients.
    3. Copy the production license into the /opt/diffusion/etc directory of your Diffusion image.
      ADD license_file /opt/diffusion/etc/license.lic
      Where license_file is the path to the production license relative to the location of the Dockerfile.
    4. Create versions of the Diffusion configuration files that define your required configuration.
      For more information, see Configuring your Diffusion server.
    5. Copy these configuration files into the /opt/diffusion/etc directory of your Diffusion image.
      ADD configuration_file /opt/diffusion/etc/file_name
      Where configuration_file is the path to the configuration file relative to the location of the Dockerfile and file_name is the name of the configuration file.
    6. Create versions of the Security.store and SystemAuthentication.store that define roles, principals and authentication actions for your security configuration.
      You can instead choose to edit these files using a Diffusion client. However, your Diffusion server is not secure for production use until you do so.
    7. Copy these store files into the /opt/diffusion/etc directory of your Diffusion image.
      ADD store_file /opt/diffusion/etc/file_name
      Where store_file is the path to the store file relative to the location of the Dockerfile and file_name is the name of the store file.
    8. Include any additional configuration actions you want to perform on your image in the Dockerfile.
  2. Build your image.
    Run the following command in the directory where your Dockerfile is located:
    docker build .
The image you created contains a configured Diffusion server ready for you to use in your solution. You can run multiple identically configured Diffusion servers from this image.