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This file specifies the schema for the connectors properties.



The following table lists the elements that an element of type connectors can contain:
Name Type Description Min occurs Max occurs
connector connector Connector definition 0 unbounded


The following table lists the elements that an element of type compression-schemes can contain:
Name Type Description Min occurs Max occurs
compression-scheme compression-scheme   0 unbounded


Connector definition

The following table lists the attributes that an element of type connector can have:
Name Type Description Required
name push:string The connector name true
The following table lists the elements that an element of type connector can contain:
Name Type Description Min occurs Max occurs
required push:boolean This setting specifies if the connector must start successfully when the server is started. If the connector is required (set to true) and the server can not start it during start-up (after waiting for any start conditions} that are configured), the server is stopped. By default, this is set to true. 0 1
host push:string The name or the IP address that the connector binds to. This is optional. 0 1
port push:port The port on which the connector accepts connections. 1 1
backlog push:positiveNonZeroInt The requested maximum queue length for incoming connection requests. It is rarely necessary to tune this value. Operating System settings must be adjusted in tandem. On Linux, the appropriate setting is net.core.somaxconn. If a value is not specified, a default of 1000 is used. 0 1
socket-conditioning socket-conditioning Describes the properties associated with TCP socket connections. 1 1
max-queued-bytes push:long-bytes The maximum number of bytes that can be queued for all sessions connected through this connector. If the number of bytes queued for a connector exceeds this number, the server may disconnect clients. If not set then no limit is applied. 0 1
web-server push:string If this connector is required to serve HTTP requests, this element specifies a web-server entry in WebServer.xml. If a value is not specified, the connector cannot serve HTTP requests. This is also required in order to be able to service websocket connections. 0 1
validation-policy-file push:string The location/name of a connection validation policy file to use for this connector. Applies only to type 'all' or 'client'. 0 1
key-store key-store-definition Keystore details for any connector that is to support secure (TLS) connections. If this is not specified, TLS connections are not supported. 0 1
queue-definition push:string An optional queue definition to use for this connector. This applies only to connectors of type 'all' or 'client'. The definition must exist in Server.xml. If this is not specified, the default queue definition specified in Server.xml is used. 0 1
reconnect reconnect Optional reconnection properties which apply only to connectors that accept 'client' connections. If this is not specified, reconnection of client connections is not supported. 0 1
ignore-errors-from ignore-errors-from Specifies addresses from which connection errors can be ignored. This is useful for masking errors that might be reported due to the connector port being pinged by some known external entity. 0 1
thread-pool-definition push:string Optionally, this can be used to specify a thread pool definition to be used for this connector to create its own inbound thread pool. If specified, the thread pool definition must exist in Server.xml. If a value is not specified, the default inbound thread pool is used. 0 1
selector-thread-pool-definition push:string Optionally, this can be used to specify a selector thread pool definition to be used for this connector to deal with NIO operations. If specified, the selector thread pool definition must exist in Server.xml. If a value is not specified, the default selector thread pool is used. 0 1
system-ping-frequency push:millis This indicates the interval at which clients are pinged by the server to ensure that they are still connected. If a response is not received from the client before the expiry of another interval period, the client is assumed to be disconnected. If this is not specified or a value of 0 is supplied, clients are not automatically pinged. 0 1
proxy-protocol proxyProtocol Indicates the proxy protocol required for connection. Can have the values 'NONE' or 'HA_PROXY'. The default value is 'NONE'. Only connections with the protocol specified are allowed. On publicly accessible connectors, ensure that this value is set to NONE. 'HA_PROXY' refers to the proxy protocol that was first implemented by HAProxy but it is also supported by others including Amazon's Elastic Load Balancer. 0 1
connection-timeout push:millis This is the time in milliseconds allowed for a connection to take place and complete its handshake processing. If this value is not specified for a connector, the value set in Server.xml is used. 0 1
compression-schemes compression-schemes The compression schemes supported by this connector. The server will use this setting to select an appropriate compression scheme for each session using this connector based on the capabilities declared by the client. The Java, Android, .NET and JavaScript client libraries all support the zlib compression scheme. A JavaScript client must explicitly download the zlib library; it is packaged separately to reduce the download size of the core library. If the compression-schemes element is missing, all compression schemes are supported by this connector. If the compression-schemes element has no compression-scheme child elements, no compression schemes are supported by this connector. That is, compression is disabled. 0 1
start-conditions start-condition-list Optional set of conditions that must be satisfied before the connector is automatically started. 0 1
protocols protocols Optional list of client protocols supported by this connector. If this element is absent, all protocols are supported. If this element is present but empty, no protocols are supported. 0 1


Describes properties associated with TCP socket connections.

The following table lists the elements that an element of type socket-conditioning can contain:
Name Type Description Min occurs Max occurs
input-buffer-size push:bytes Specifies the size of the socket input buffer to use for each connection. If a value is not specified, a default of 128k is used. The greater of this value and the max-message-size set in Server.xml is used when setting the socket input buffer size. 0 1
output-buffer-size push:bytes This value specifies the size of the output buffer to use for each connection. This must be large enough to accommodate the largest message to be sent. Messages are 'batched' into this buffer and so the larger the buffer, the more messages can be sent in a single write. If a value is not specified, a default of 128k is used. 0 1
keep-alive push:boolean This enables or disables TCP keep-alive. If a value is not specified, a default of true is used. 0 1
no-delay push:boolean This enables or disables TCP_NODELAY (disable/enable Nagle's algorithm). If a value is not specified, a default of true is used. 0 1
reuse-address push:boolean When a TCP connection is closed the connection can remain in a timeout state for a period of time after the connection is closed (typically known as the TIME_WAIT state or 2MSL wait state). For applications using a well-known socket address or port, it might not be possible to bind a socket to the required SocketAddress if there is a connection in the timeout state involving the socket address or port. Enabling this feature allows the socket to be bound even though a previous connection is in a timeout state. If this value is not specified, the feature is enabled. 0 1


Reconnect properties.

The following table lists the elements that an element of type reconnect can contain:
Name Type Description Min occurs Max occurs
keep-alive push:millis This specifies the reconnection timeout. During this period a disconnected client can reconnect to the same client session. Messages for the client continue to be queued during this period. The default is 5 minutes, meaning reconnection is enabled. Set this value to 0 to disable reconnection. 0 1
max-depth push:positiveInt As messages continue to be queued for a client whilst it is disconnected, this enables you to specify a larger maximum queue size that is used during the period that the client is disconnected. When the client reconnects, the maximum reverts back to its previous size (once any backlog had been cleared). If the specified size is not greater than the current maximum size, this has no effect. If this value is not specified, a default of 0 is used which means that no attempt is made to extend the queue size when a client is disconnected. 0 1
recovery-buffer-size push:positiveInt If the keep-alive time is not zero, this connector supports reconnection. For each client connected via this connector, the server will retain a buffer of up to recovery-buffer-size sent messages. If a client disconnects and reconnects, the server uses the buffer to re-send messages that the client has not received. The default value is 128 messages. Higher values increase the chance of successful reconnection, but increase the per-client memory footprint. 0 1


The keystore definition that allows TLS connection to a connector.

The following table lists the attributes that an element of type key-store-definition can have:
Name Type Description Required
mandatory push:boolean If this is set to true, all connections must use this keystore and TLS connection is mandatory. If a value is not specified, a default of false is used, meaning that the connector accepts either TLS or non-TLS connections. false
The following table lists the elements that an element of type key-store-definition can contain:
Name Type Description Min occurs Max occurs
file push:string The keystore file path. 1 1
password push:string The password for the keystore. 1 1


Some external monitors cause the Diffusion server to log errors, as it is not a valid Diffusion connection. Adding the remote IP address to this list ensure that the errors are not logged.

The following table lists the elements that an element of type ignore-errors-from can contain:
Name Type Description Min occurs Max occurs
ip-address push:string An IP address or unknown if the remote IP address is being masked. 1 unbounded


The following table lists the elements that an element of type start-condition-list can contain:
Name Type Description Min occurs Max occurs
fanout-ready #reference_connectors/section_ A fanout ready condition is satisfied when a fanout link with the given connection and link names exists, has connected to the primary server, and has synchronized all of the topics on the primary server that match its configuration. 0 unbounded
connection push:string   0 unbounded
link push:string   0 unbounded
remote-topic-view-ready #reference_connectors/section_ A remote topic view ready condition is satisfied when a remote topic view with the given name exists, has connected to the remote server, and has evaluated all of the topics on the remote server that match its configuration. 0 unbounded
name push:string   0 unbounded
cluster-configuration-restored #reference_connectors/section_ A cluster configuration restored condition is satisfied when the server is configured as part of a cluster, has joined the cluster, and has completed restoration of shared configuration. 0 1
replicated-topics-restored #reference_connectors/section_ A replicated topics restored condition is satisfied when the server is configured as part of a cluster, has joined the cluster, and has completed restoration of replicated topics. 0 1


The following table lists the elements that an element of type protocols can contain:
Name Type Description Min occurs Max occurs
protocol protocol   0 unbounded


This value must be a push:string.

The following values are allowed:
  • all
  • client
  • policy


This value must be a push:string.

The following values are allowed:
  • NONE


This value must be a push:string.

The following values are allowed:
  • ZLIB


This value must be a push:string.

The following values are allowed: