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Session reconnection

You can configure the session reconnection feature by configuring the connectors at the Diffusion™ server to keep the client session in a disconnected state for a period before closing the session.

When a client detects connection loss, it will automatically attempt to re-establish connection to the server based on the reconnection settings.

Reconnection is enabled by default.

If reconnection is successful, the client session can continue without loss of subscriptions, topic updates, and messages that were queued for it whilst disconnected.

If reconnection is disabled, or fails to re-establish a connection, the client application must create a new session, and re-initialise subscriptions and other application state.

Server configuration

To enable clients to reconnect, connectors must be configured to keep client sessions in the DISCONNECTED state for a period during which the client can reconnect. To do this a reconnection timeout must be specified for the connector.

Specify a reconnection timeout, maximum queue depth, and recovery buffer size by using the <reconnect> element in the etc/Connectors.xml configuration file.
Reconnection timeout (keep-alive)
How long a disconnected client's session remains available on the server before being closed. By default, this is 300 seconds.
Maximum queue depth (max-depth)
Optional maximum limit on the number of messages to queue for a disconnected client session. By default, this is the same as the queue depth for a connected client session, which is defined by the queue definitions in Connectors.xml and Server.xml.
Recovery buffer size (recovery-buffer-size)
The maximum number of sent messages to keep in a buffer. These messages can then be recovered on reconnection.
Here is an example connector configuration:
Using the above example, a client can reconnect to the server through this connector within 60 seconds of becoming disconnected. While the client is disconnected, up to 1000 messages are queued for it. These messages are delivered to the client when it reconnects. A buffer of up to 64 sent messages are retained in the recovery buffer. When a client reconnects, the Diffusion server uses this buffer to re-send any messages that the client has not received.

If a client signals that it wants to disconnect, the client state on the server is removed when the client disconnects. However, in all other circumstances where the client loses connection, the client goes into the DISCONNECTED state, where the subscriptions are retained and messages are queued as normal for the amount of time specified by the reconnection timeout of the connector.

If the server is configured to expect reconnecting clients, sessions that are currently disconnected and might reconnect are excluded from the regular system pings that the server sends to clients.

If the client then reconnects during the period that the session is in DISCONNECTED state, the sending of messages to the client resumes from the point when the failure occurred.

Disabling session reconnection

Session reconnection is on by default. Disabling reconnection can be useful in some circumstances where it is better for a session to fail quickly than for it to be kept alive and await reconnection.

  • For example, when you have a control client in the same data center as the Diffusion server, enabling reconnection for the session between the control client and the server can make it harder to diagnose connection problems.
  • During development you may want to kill and recompile or reconfigure a client, then restart it. If reconnection is enabled, the original session will not end when the original client is killed. This can lead to problems like preventing the new client from registering as an updater until the reconnection timeout expires.

You can either disable reconnection in the server configuration, or a client can specify that a session should not use reconnection.

Message queue management

When a client session is in DISCONNECTED state, messages for the client continue queuing for the client until the reconnection timeout expires or the client reconnects. This puts an unusual load on the client queue and the facility exists to adjust the maximum client queue depth for the period of disconnection.

This is done by specifying a queue depth which is greater than the normal maximum queue depth. When disconnected, the queue can expand to the higher value. After reconnection occurs and the queue starts to drain, once the queue size goes down to a value of 80% of its previous limit, the maximum queue depth reverts to the normal value.

The queue depth has an effect only if has a value higher than the normal maximum queue depth.