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Other considerations when running the Diffusion server inside of a third-party web application server

Diffusion™ can run as a Java™ servlet inside any Java application server.

Apache™ Mod Proxy installation

Apache Mod Proxy can be used to forward HTTP requests from an Apache web server to Diffusion. It does not support persistent connections orWebSocket so the WebSocket connections do not work. Make sure that you include the following into the Apache configuration file (Virtual host setting).

ProxyPass /diffusion/ http://localhost:8080/diffusion/

For more information, see the Apache Mod Proxy documentation.

Apache AJP13 Installation

Apache AJP can be used to forward requests from an Apache web server to Tomcat™. In the Apache virtual host configuration, mount the path

JkMount /diffusion/*dfnjetty

Workers definition file

worker.dfnjetty.host=(host IP)

A connector that handles the AJP/1.3 protocol is needed running on port 8009 (because of the Workers file described above). See the Tomcat documentation for more information on this.

IIS Installation

Use an ISAPI_Rewrite tool. For example, http://www.helicontech.com/isapi_rewrite

The rewrite rule is as follows:

RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^diffusion/ http://localhost:8080/diffusion/ [p]
Diffusion home directory

The servlet container must be aware of Diffusion. Add the path to the directory that contains the Diffusion JAR file to the Java VM arguments that you use to start the servlet container.
