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Management interface to the multiplexer manager

Object name format

The objectName for MBeans of this type is of the following form: com.pushtechnology.diffusion:type=MultiplexerManager,name="name",server="server_name"


Name Type Read/Write Description
numberOfMultiplexers int read The number of multiplexers


Name Return Type Arguments Impact Description
diagnosticReport String 0 UNKNOWN Generate a diagnostic report for each multiplexer
Name Return Type Arguments Impact Description
startEventDiagnosticRecording void 1 UNKNOWN Start an event diagnostic recording for each multiplexer, or change the end time if a recording is already in progress
Argument name Type Description
duration long Record events for this number of milliseconds
Name Return Type Arguments Impact Description
stopEventDiagnosticRecording void 0 UNKNOWN Stop all event diagnostic recording. Reports will be produced to the server log.