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Diffusion Server

Object name format

The objectName for MBeans of this type is of the following form: com.pushtechnology.diffusion:type=Server,server="server_name"


Name Type Read/Write Description
buildDate String read Build date and time of the Diffusion software
freeMemory long read Free memory available in the Java heap
licenseExpiryDate Date read License expiry date
licenseProperties Map read License properties
maxMemory long read Maximum Java heap memory that can be allocated
numberOfTopics long read Number of topics hosted by this server
release String read Diffusion version, for example, 6.2.1_01
sessionLocks Map read Allocated session locks
startDate Date read Date and time at which this server was started
startDateMillis long read Time at which this server was started, as milliseconds since the epoch
timeZone String read Time zone this server is using
totalMemory long read Total memory allocated to the Java heap
uptime String read Time this server has been running, as a formatted string. For example, "3 hours 4 minutes 23 seconds"
uptimeMillis long read Time this server has been running, in milliseconds
usedPhysicalMemorySize long read Used physical memory, in bytes
usedSwapSpaceSize long read Used swap space, in bytes
userDirectory String read Directory in which this server was started
userName String read User account under which this server is running


Name Return Type Arguments Impact Description
getSessionLock SessionLockBean 1 INFO Query a session lock by name. Returns null if the lock is not allocated.
Argument name Type Description
lockName String Session lock name
Name Return Type Arguments Impact Description
checkLicense void 0 ACTION Deprecated - has no effect
Name Return Type Arguments Impact Description
stopController void 0 ACTION Stop this server
Name Return Type Arguments Impact Description
stopController void 2 ACTION Stop this server, and record the reason and administrator name
Argument name Type Description
reason String Reason this server is stopping
adminName String Name of the administrator