Just a second...

Defining a recordV2 schema

You can use the API to specify a schema that defines the content of a recordV2 topic.

Publishing clients can define an optional schema for a recordV2 topic. The topic value must conform to the schema.

No client session is required to create a schema.

The Diffusion™ API for the following platforms provides builder methods that enable you to define a schema:
  • Java™
  • Android™

The following example demonstrates how to create a schema using the Java API.

  1. Import the required classes.
    import com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.Diffusion;
    import com.pushtechnology.diffusion.datatype.recordv2.RecordV2DataType;
    import com.pushtechnology.diffusion.datatype.recordv2.schema.Schema;
    import com.pushtechnology.diffusion.datatype.recordv2.schema.SchemaBuilder;
  2. Create an example class with a recordV2 datatype and a constructor.
    public final class ClientCreatingRecordV2Schema {
        private final RecordV2DataType dataType = Diffusion.dataTypes().recordV2();
         * Constructor.
        public ClientCreatingRecordV2Schema() {
  3. Create a schema.

    This schema specifies that the topic will contain a record containing a field that can occur from two to five times, and a different record with a field that can occur unlimited times.

    public Schema createVariableRepeatingRecordsSchema() {
        final SchemaBuilder builder = dataType.schemaBuilder();
        return builder
            .record("FixedRecord", 5).string("a")
            .record("RepeatingRecord", 0, -1).string("b")

    See the full example code below for how to construct a variety of different schemas.

    For more information, see Java API documentation.

Example: A class that shows how to create different schemas.

 * Copyright (C) 2022 Push Technology Ltd.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.pushtechnology.diffusion.manual;

import java.util.List;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.Diffusion;
import com.pushtechnology.diffusion.datatype.recordv2.RecordV2DataType;
import com.pushtechnology.diffusion.datatype.recordv2.schema.Schema;
import com.pushtechnology.diffusion.datatype.recordv2.schema.SchemaBuilder;

 * Example of a client creating a RecordV2 Schema.
 * @author DiffusionData Limited
public final class ClientCreatingRecordV2Schema {

    private final RecordV2DataType dataType = Diffusion.dataTypes().recordV2();

     * Constructor.
    public ClientCreatingRecordV2Schema() {

     * Example of a schema consisting of a single record with three fields each
     * of s different data type.
     * @return a schema
    public Schema createSimpleSchema() {
        final SchemaBuilder builder = dataType.schemaBuilder();
        return builder
            .string("string").integer("integer").decimal("decimal", 3)

     * Example of a schema consisting of multiple records, each record with a
     * single field of a specific type.
     * @return a schema
    public Schema createMultipleRecordsSchema() {
        final SchemaBuilder builder = dataType.schemaBuilder();
        return builder
            .record("DecimalRecord").decimal("decimal", 3)

     * Example of a schema consisting of a record (with a single string field)
     * repeating exactly 10 times.
     * @return a schema
    public Schema createFixedRepeatingRecordsSchema() {
        final SchemaBuilder builder = dataType.schemaBuilder();
        return builder
            .record("RepeatingRecord", 10).string("string")

     * Example of a schema consisting of 2 record types. "FixedRecord" is a
     * record that occurs 5 times. "RepeatingRecord" is an optional record that
     * can be repeated as many times as required (unlimited).
     * @return a schema
    public Schema createVariableRepeatingRecordsSchema() {
        final SchemaBuilder builder = dataType.schemaBuilder();
        return builder
            .record("FixedRecord", 5).string("a")
            .record("RepeatingRecord", 0, -1).string("b")

     * Example of a schema consisting of a single record with a string field
     * that occurs exactly 10 times.
     * @return a schema
    public Schema createFixedRepeatingFieldsSchema() {
        final SchemaBuilder builder = dataType.schemaBuilder();
        return builder
            .record("Record").string("repeatingString", 10)

     * Example of a schema consisting of two records. The first record (A) has a
     * field, "repeatingField", which can occur between 2 and 5 times. The
     * second record (B) has a field, "repeatingFieldUnlimited", which can occur
     * as many times as required but at least once.
     * @return a schema
    public Schema createVariableRepeatingFieldsSchema() {
        final SchemaBuilder builder = dataType.schemaBuilder();
        return builder
            .record("A").string("repeatingField", 2, 5)
            .record("B").string("repeatingFieldUnlimited", 1, -1)

     * Example of a schema consisting of a single record and multiple fields
     * encapsulating a person's name and address.
     * @return a schema
    public Schema createNameAndAddressSchema() {
        final SchemaBuilder builder = dataType.schemaBuilder();
        return builder
