License restrictions
The Diffusion??? license can include restrictions on how the Diffusion server is used.
A Production license must not be used on a Development server, and a Development license must not be used on a Production server. Order separate licenses defined as Production, QA/Testing, Disaster Recovery, and Development.
License expiry
All license files provided by DiffusionData include an expiry date. To continue to use Diffusion after this date you must replace your license file with an updated license file.
The Diffusion server logs the number of days remaining on your license every day at midnight and when the server starts (PUSH-000202).
When the license has expired, the Diffusion server stops working within 24 hours. A message is logged when the license expires (PUSH-000203).
Concurrent client connections
An instance of the Diffusion server is licensed to only allow up to a certain number of client connections at the same time.
A license can include a soft limit and a hard limit on concurrent client connections. When the soft limit is reached, the Diffusion server logs a message (PUSH-000201) to say that the soft limit has been reached. When the hard limit is exceeded, the Diffusion server rejects connections and logs a message (PUSH-000056) to say that the hard limit has been reached.
Connection limit pooling
If you have a license that enables topic and session replication, the soft and hard limits are pooled between servers.
For example, you have a cluster of three servers, each with a soft limit of 5 and a hard limit of 10. The cluster-wide limits are the total of each individual server's limits, giving a cluster-wide soft limit of 15 (3x5) and a hard limit of 30 (3x10).
Any new client connections are checked against the cluster-wide limits. A server can exceed the hard limit of its individual license, provided that the cluster-wide limit is not exceeded. For example, one of the servers in our example above could have more than 10 client connections, provided the total number of connections to the cluster did not exceed 30.
Fan-out limit pooling
If you have a license that enables fan-out, the hard limit for fan-out connections is pooled between servers in a cluster.
Total number of topics
A Diffusion license can specify a maximum total number of topics. If the number of topics is exceeded, the server logs a message (PUSH-000711).
MAC addresses or IP addresses
An instance of the Diffusion server can be licensed to run only on systems with a certain range of IP addresses or MAC addresses.
On startup, the Diffusion server checks the IP address or MAC address of the system the server runs on. If the Diffusion server cannot read the IP or MAC address of the host system, it logs a message ( or ) and does not start. If the IP or MAC address of the host system is not in the licensed address range, the server logs a message ( or ) and does not start.
CPU cores
An instance of the Diffusion server can be licensed to run only on systems with a certain number of CPU cores.
On startup, the Diffusion server checks the number of CPU cores available to the JVM at runtime.
Diffusion version
A Diffusion license can be valid for specific versions of Diffusion only.
If you use a license file with a version of Diffusion that it is not valid for, the Diffusion server logs a message (PUSH-000199) and does not start.