Diffusion Apple API  6.10.1
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PTDiffusionTimeSeriesQueryResultEventArrayStructure Class Reference


Describes the structural properties of the array of events presented by a time series query result.

See Also
Inheritance diagram for PTDiffusionTimeSeriesQueryResultEventArrayStructure:

Class Methods

(instancetype) + editEventStream
(instancetype) + valueEventStream
- Class Methods inherited from PTDiffusionEnumeration
(NSSet< PTDiffusionEnumeration * > *) + elements

Additional Inherited Members

- Instance Methods inherited from PTDiffusionEnumeration
(BOOL) - isEqualToEnumeration:

Method Documentation

+ (instancetype) editEventStream

The array is presented in time series order, with the following properties:

  • The sequence of each event in the array is unique.
  • The array is ordered by sequence. The sequence of each subsequent event in the stream is greater than its predecessor.
  • Edit event timestamps may lie outside the query range.
  • The array can have multiple edit events for the same original event.
Instance indicating the array is presented in time series order.
+ (instancetype) valueEventStream

The array is ordered by the original event sequence number, presenting edit events instead of the original events they replace.

The array has the following properties:

  • The sequence of each event in the stream is unique.
  • The original event sequence of each event in the stream is unique.
  • The stream is ordered by original event sequence. The original event sequence of each subsequent event in the stream is greater than its predecessor.
  • If no events have been removed from the time series, the original event sequence of each subsequent event is one greater than its predecessor.
  • If an event is an original event, the query found no corresponding edit events.
  • If an event is an edit event, its timestamp attribute may lie outside the query range. Consequentially, the sequence and timestamp attributes of the events may be non-sequential.
Instance indicating array is ordered by the original event sequence number.