Diffusion C API  6.10.4
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common_types.h File Reference

Common types that don't fit anywhere else. More...

Data Structures



 Constant used in the API to indicate "false".
 Constant used in the API to indicate "true".
 Constant used in the API to indicate that a message or service handler has completed successfully.
 Constant used in the API to indicate that a message or service handler has failed with an error.
 Constant defining the V5 service/control topic name.


 Priority for messages being sent to Diffusion. More...
 Priority of messages that Diffusion sends to control clients via the send_client() call.
 Reasons for session closure. More...
 Connection response codes.

Detailed Description

Common types that don't fit anywhere else.

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Enumeration Type Documentation

Priority for messages being sent to Diffusion.

The default is MEDIUM for most messages.

IMMEDIATE priority messages are for system use only, and should not by used by the user.

Reasons for session closure.


SESSION_CLOSE_REASON_SERVER_CLOSING has been deprecated from version 6.6 onwards, and will be removed in a future release.