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conversation.h File Reference

Functions for handling conversations and conversation IDs. More...


CONVERSATION_ID_Tconversation_id_create (struct session_s *session)
 Create and allocate a new conversation id for this session. More...
void conversation_id_free (CONVERSATION_ID_T *conversation_id)
 Free memory allocated for a conversation id. More...
CONVERSATION_ID_Tconversation_id_dup (const CONVERSATION_ID_T *src)
 Create a deep-copy duplicate of a conversation id. More...
char * conversation_id_to_string (const CONVERSATION_ID_T conversation_id)
 Take a conversation id and convert it to string representation. More...
CONVERSATION_ID_Tconversation_id_create_from_string (const char *str)
 Takes a string representation of a conversation id and creates a CONVERSATION_ID_T structure from it. More...

Detailed Description

Functions for handling conversations and conversation IDs.

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Function Documentation

CONVERSATION_ID_T* conversation_id_create ( struct session_s session)

Create and allocate a new conversation id for this session.

sessionThe session which this conversation is associated with.
Return values
CONVERSATION_ID_T *A conversation ID.
NULLIf the conversation ID cannot be created.
CONVERSATION_ID_T* conversation_id_create_from_string ( const char *  str)

Takes a string representation of a conversation id and creates a CONVERSATION_ID_T structure from it.

strThe conversation id in string form.
Return values
OCNVERSATION_ID_T *A conversation id.
NULLIf an error occurs.
CONVERSATION_ID_T* conversation_id_dup ( const CONVERSATION_ID_T src)

Create a deep-copy duplicate of a conversation id.

conversation_id_free should be called on the pointer when no longer needed.

srcThe conversation id to be copied.
A newly allocated conversation id, or NULL if an error occurred.
void conversation_id_free ( CONVERSATION_ID_T conversation_id)

Free memory allocated for a conversation id.

conversation_idThe conversation id to be freed.
char* conversation_id_to_string ( const CONVERSATION_ID_T  conversation_id)

Take a conversation id and convert it to string representation.

conversation_idThe conversation id to be converted.
Return values
char *The conversation id as a string.
NULLIf an error occurs.