Diffusion C API  6.10.4
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service_types.h File Reference

This file lists the types of services supported by Diffusion (although some of these may not yet be supported by the C API) and associated structures. More...

Data Structures

struct  svc_msg_common_s
 Base type for service messages. More...
struct  svc_defn_s
 Every service that a client can provide has to implement this core set of functions. More...


 The maximum value of the service identifier. More...
 Service messages differ in their structure depending on the requirements of the service, but they all begin with these common fields.


typedef struct svc_msg_common_s SVC_MSG_COMMON_T
 Base type for service messages.
typedef struct svc_defn_s SVC_DEFN_T
 Every service that a client can provide has to implement this core set of functions.


 These are the services (and commands) that can be sent and received between Diffusion and a client. More...
 Interactions with Diffusion take the form of a REQUEST or a RESPONSE.

Detailed Description

This file lists the types of services supported by Diffusion (although some of these may not yet be supported by the C API) and associated structures.

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Macro Definition Documentation


The maximum value of the service identifier.

Enumeration Type Documentation

These are the services (and commands) that can be sent and received between Diffusion and a client.

They are equivalent to those listed in the Java API in the StandardServices class.