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set.h File Reference

A simple set implementation, based on hash.h. More...

Data Structures

struct  set_entry_s
 This structure represents an entry in the set. More...
struct  set_s
 This respresents a set. More...


typedef struct set_entry_s SET_ENTRY_T
 This structure represents an entry in the set.
typedef struct set_s SET_T
 This respresents a set.


SET_Tset_new (const unsigned long slots)
 Create a new set with the given number of slots. More...
SET_Tset_new_string (const unsigned long slots)
 Create a new set which holds strings (pointers to char).
SET_Tset_new_int (const unsigned long slots)
 Create a new set which holds pointers to integers.
void * set_add_int (SET_T *set, const int val)
 Helper to add integers to sets.
void set_free (SET_T *set)
 Frees memory (including values) associated with a set. More...
void * set_add (SET_T *set, const void *val)
 Add a value to a set. More...
void * set_del (SET_T *set, const void *val)
 Remove a value from the set. More...
void * set_contains (const SET_T *set, const void *val)
 Test whether a set contains a given value. More...
void ** set_values (const SET_T *set)
 Obtains all values currently in the set. More...
SET_Tset_dup (const SET_T *set)
 Create a deep copy of a set. More...

Detailed Description

A simple set implementation, based on hash.h.

Function Documentation

void* set_add ( SET_T set,
const void *  val 

Add a value to a set.

If the set already contains the value, a pointer to the value in the set is returned.

setThe set to which the value will be added.
valThe value to store.
Return values
void *If the value already exists in the set.
NULLIf the value did not already exist in the set.
void* set_contains ( const SET_T set,
const void *  val 

Test whether a set contains a given value.

setThe set to be searched for the value.
valThe value which is to be searched for.
Return values
void *The value, if found.
NULLIf the value was not found.
void* set_del ( SET_T set,
const void *  val 

Remove a value from the set.

setThe set from which the value will be removed.
valThe value to be removed from the set.
Return values
void *The value which was removed. The caller should free this value.
NULLIf the value was not found.
SET_T* set_dup ( const SET_T set)

Create a deep copy of a set.

set_free should be called on the pointer when no longer needed.

setThe set to copy.
A copy of the set.
void set_free ( SET_T set)

Frees memory (including values) associated with a set.

This function can free all memory associated with a set.

setThe set to be freed.
SET_T* set_new ( const unsigned long  slots)

Create a new set with the given number of slots.

slotsThe number of slots available in the set. Values hash to a slot, and if a slot already contains a value which yields the same hash, it is chained to other entries in the bucket.
Return values
SET_T *Returns a pointer to a SET_T structure.
NULLIf the set cannot be created.
void** set_values ( const SET_T set)

Obtains all values currently in the set.

setThe set to be inspected.
A NULL-terminated array of all values in the set. Call free() on the array when it is no longer required; values are pointers into the set and should not be freed.