Create a constraint that partially matches the current topic value.
The topic must be a JSON topic. The PartialJSON partially describes the structure of a JSON value.
the constraint
Create a constraint requiring a lock to be held by the session.
This can be used to coordinate operations between multiple sessions.
the lock
the constraint
Create a constraint requiring the path to have no topic.
This is useful when setting the first value of a topic being added using an UpdateStream without changing the value if the topic already exists. This constraint is unsatisfied if a topic is present at the path, making it unsuitable for operations that try to set topics without adding them.
the constraint
Create a constraint requiring the topic to have no value.
This is useful when setting the first value of a topic. This constraint is unsatisfied if no topic is present at the path, making it unsuitable for operations that try to add topics.
the constraint
Create a constraint requiring the current value of the topic to match the supplied value.
If dataType
is not specified, the data type is inferred
from the value
This method is useful when changing the value of a topic. This constraint is unsatisfied if no topic is present at the path, making it unsuitable for operations that try to add topics.
When a string, int64 or double topic is updated to a {@code null} value, the topic is set to have no value. Use the noValue constraint to check if the topic has no value.
the value
the optional type of the values
the constraint
Factory for the constraint types.
An instance can be obtained by calling updateConstraints.