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DiffusionTM Server API 6.7.4
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addAddress(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
Add an address.
addChild(WhoIsData) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsData
Adds a child object.
addConnection(String, String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConfig
Add a new connection to a primary server.
addConnectionValidationPolicy(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Add a new connection validation policy for the connector.
addConnector(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Add a connector.
addDirectory(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.UserLibrariesConfig
Add a user directory.
addHostName(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
Add a host name.
addHTTPService(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WebServerConfig
Add an HTTP Service.
addIgnoreErrorsFrom(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Add an IP address to ignore errors from.
addLifecycleListener(EmbeddedDiffusion.LifecycleListener) - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.DiffusionServer
addLifecycleListener(EmbeddedDiffusion.LifecycleListener) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.EmbeddedDiffusion
Register for lifecycle events.
addLink(String, String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Adds a topic tree link to be replicated.
addLocale(String, String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
Adds a Locale to the policy.
addLog(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LoggingConfig
since 6.4.0. This setting is used to configure the Diffusion log implementation, which is deprecated in favor of Log4j 2. The Diffusion log implementation will be removed in a future release, together with this setting.
addMime(String, String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.MimesConfig
Add a mime.
addPool(String, int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SelectorThreadPoolsConfig
Add a selector thread pool to the set of those available.
addPool(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ThreadsConfig
Add a new thread pool definition.
addProperty(String, String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.HTTPServiceConfig
Add a service property.
addProperty(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.HTTPServiceConfig
Add a service property.
addQueue(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.QueuesConfig
Add a queue definition.
addRealm(String, String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Add a realm.
addResolvedName(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
Add a resolved name.
addUser(String, String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostRealmConfig
Add a realm user.
addValues(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsData
Adds values to the object from a given map of values.
addVirtualHost(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FileServiceConfig
Add a new virtual host configuration.
addWebServer(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Add a new Web Server Configuration.
APIException - Exception in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api
This is the base exception class for all Diffusion API exceptions.
APIException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.APIException
Create a new APIException.
APIException(String) - Constructor for exception com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.APIException
Create a new APIException.
AuthenticationHandlerConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
An authentication handler.


children() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsData
Returns the list of child objects.
children(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsData
Returns a list of child objects whose type starts with a specified prefix.
ClientServiceConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Web Server Client Service configuration.
ClientStatisticsConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Client Statistics Configuration.
close() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPRequest
Close the request.
CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION_RESTORED_CONDITION - Static variable in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Singleton start condition that is satisfied when the server is configured as part of a cluster, has joined the cluster, and has completed restoration of shared configuration.
com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api - package com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api
com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config - package com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Diffusion Configuration API
com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.publisher - package com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.publisher
Diffusion Server API
com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server - package com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server
Diffusion Embedded Server API
com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver - package com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver
Diffusion Web Server API
com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois - package com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois
Diffusion WhoIs API
Config - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
A configuration object.
ConfigException - Exception in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Exception in Config setting.
ConfigException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConfigException
Create a new ConfigException.
ConfigException(String) - Constructor for exception com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConfigException
Create a new ConfigException.
ConfigurationReplicationConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
The configuration for the replication of various configuration items.
conflates() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.QueueConfig
Gets whether the queue has conflation enabled by default.
ConnectionValidationPolicyConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Connection Validation Policy Configuration.
ConnectorConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Connector Configuration.
ConnectorConfig.FanoutLinkReadyCondition - Class in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Start condition representing a fanout link being ready.
ConnectorConfig.Protocol - Enum in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
The protocol allowed to connect to the connector.
ConnectorConfig.ProxyProtocol - Enum in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
The protocols allowed to connect to the connector.
ConnectorConfig.RemoteTopicViewReadyCondition - Class in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Start condition representing a remote topic view being ready.
ConnectorConfig.StartCondition - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Marker interface for start conditions.
ControlAuthenticationHandlerConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
A control authentication handler.
createWhoIsData() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsDetails
Creates an empty WhoIs data object.
createWhoIsData(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsDetails
Create a WhoIs data object populated with supplied data.


DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FormattingConfig
The default date format.
DEFAULT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT - Static variable in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FormattingConfig
The default date and time format.
DEFAULT_EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.MultiplexerConfig
Default multiplexer queue size.
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SelectorThreadPoolsConfig
The name of the default selector thread pool.
DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT - Static variable in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FormattingConfig
The default time format.
DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT - Static variable in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FormattingConfig
The default timestamp format.
DiffusionServer - Class in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server
Represents an instance of the Diffusion Server.
DiffusionServer() - Constructor for class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.DiffusionServer
DiffusionServer(Properties) - Constructor for class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.DiffusionServer
DiffusionServer(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.DiffusionServer
DiffusionServer(Properties, boolean) - Constructor for class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.DiffusionServer


EmbeddedDiffusion - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server
Represents an instance of the Diffusion Server.
EmbeddedDiffusion.LifecycleListener - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server
Listener interface that is invoked when server state changes occur.
EmbeddedDiffusion.State - Enum in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server
Diffusion lifecycle state.


FanOutConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Fan-out configuration.
FanOutConnectionConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Provides configuration for a fan-out client connection.
FanOutLinkConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Configuration for a replicated fan-out link.
FanoutLinkReadyCondition(String, String) - Constructor for class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig.FanoutLinkReadyCondition
FileServiceConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Web Server - File Service Configuration.
FormattingConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
since 6.5. This configuration is no longer used and will be removed from a future version of the product.
fromName(String) - Static method in enum com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig.ProxyProtocol
Lookup the value from a string.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig.Type
Returns type enum from string representation.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.LogDescription.LogLevel
Returns log level enum from string representation.


generateResponseBuffer() - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Generate a HTTP Response from the details provided and populate a newly created Byte Buffer.
GeoIpConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Geo IP Configuration.
getAddress() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsDetails
The address that the lookup relates to.
getAddresses() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
Get list of configured addresses.
getAliasFile() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Gets the alias file.
getAliasFile() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPVirtualHost
Returns the alias file.
getAuthenticationHandlers() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SecurityConfig
getBackgroundPoolSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ThreadsConfig
Returns the size of the background thread pool.
getBacklog() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Gets the backlog value.
getCache() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Gets the cache configuration.
getCacheMaximumSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WhoIsConfig
Gets the maximum size of the WhoIs cache.
getCacheRetentionTime() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WhoIsConfig
Gets the retention time for WhoIs cache entries.
getCacheSizeLimit() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostCacheConfig
Gets the cache size limit.
getCacheTidyInterval() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WhoIsConfig
Gets the WhoIs cache tidy interval.
getClassName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.HTTPServiceConfig
Gets the service class.
getClassName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerAuthenticationHandlerConfig
The fully qualified name of a class which implements the Authenticator interface.
getClientService() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WebServerConfig
Get Client Service configuration.
getClientStatistics() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.StatisticsConfig
Get client statistics configuration.
getCompressionSchemes() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SessionConfig
Get the compression schemes supported by this connector.
getCompressionThreshold() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Gets the compression threshold.
getCompressionThreshold() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPVirtualHost
Returns the compression threshold.
getConfig() - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.DiffusionServer
getConfig() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.EmbeddedDiffusion
Returns the root server configuration.
getConfigurationReplication() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReplicationConfig
Get the configuration for the replication of configuration items.
getConnection() - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig.FanoutLinkReadyCondition
getConnection(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConfig
Get a named fan-out connection.
getConnectionPort() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ManagementConfig
Gets the JMX service port.
getConnections() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConfig
Get the configured list of primary server connections.
getConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Gets the connection timeout for inbound connections.
getConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Returns the connection timeout.
getConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.TimeoutsConfig
Gets the connection timeout.
getConnectionValidationPolicies() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Get the connection validation policies defined for the connector.
getConnectionValidationPolicy(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Get a named connection validation policy that belongs to the connector.
getConnector() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReplicationConfig
Gets the name of the connector used to configure connections to other servers in the cluster.
getConnector(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Get the configuration for a named connector.
getConnectors() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Returns the list of connectors defined for this server.
getConsoleLogLevel() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LoggingConfig
since 6.4.0. This setting is used to configure the Diffusion log implementation, which is deprecated in favor of Log4j 2. The Diffusion log implementation will be removed in a future release, together with this setting.
getConsoleMonitoredLog() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LoggingConfig
Gets the console monitored log path.
getContent() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPRequest
Returns a byte array containing the request content.
getCoreSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ThreadPoolConfig
since 6.5, thread pools do not grow; this setting is no longer used and will be removed in a future release
getCORSOrigin() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ClientServiceConfig
Gets the CORS origin value.
getCountry() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyLocaleConfig
Gets the country.
getDateFormat() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FormattingConfig
Returns the date format.
getDateFormat() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.LogDescription
Returns the date format used the %d part of the log file name.
getDateTimeFormat() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FormattingConfig
Returns the date and time format.
getDefaultLogDirectory() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LoggingConfig
Gets the default log directory.
getDefaultPool() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SelectorThreadPoolsConfig
Returns the name of the default selector thread pool.
getDefaultQueue() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.QueuesConfig
Gets the name of the default queue definition.
getDirectories() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.UserLibrariesConfig
Returns list of user directories.
getDocumentRoot() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Gets the document root.
getDocumentRoot() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPVirtualHost
Returns the document root directory name.
getErrorPage() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Gets the error page.
getErrorPage() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPVirtualHost
Returns the error page.
getExcludedPaths() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.TopicReplicationConfig
The topic paths that will be used to exclude topics from replication.
getExtension() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.MimeConfig
The extension or suffix.
getExternalHost() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReplicationConfig
Gets the host name peer servers should use to connect to this server.
getExternalPort() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReplicationConfig
Gets the port.
getFanOut() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Get the FanOut configuration.
getFile() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.KeyStoreConfig
Gets the file name.
getFileCount() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LogConfig
getFileCount() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.LogDescription
Specifies the number of log files to use.
getFileLifeTime() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostCacheConfig
Gets the file lifeTime.
getFileLimit() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.LogDescription
Specifies an approximate maximum amount to write (in bytes) to any one log file.
getFileName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.GeoIpConfig
Gets the file name.
getFilePattern() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.LogDescription
Gets the file pattern.
getFileService() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WebServerConfig
Get file service configuration.
getFileServiceName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPVirtualHost
Returns the file service name.
getFileSizeLimit() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostCacheConfig
Gets the file size limit.
getFormatting() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Gets the formatting (e.g dates) configuration.
getGeoIp() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Gets the Geo IP config details.
getHandlerName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ControlAuthenticationHandlerConfig
getHashScheme() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SystemAuthenticationHandlerConfig
Returns the hash scheme used to store newly created passwords.
getHeader(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPRequest
Get specified header.
getHeaders() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPRequest
Get headers.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Returns a HashMap of the existing headers.
getHomePage() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Gets the home page.
getHomePage() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPVirtualHost
Returns the home page.
getHooks() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Gets the Server Hooks Configuration.
getHost() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Gets the host.
getHost() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ManagementConfig
Gets the host.
getHost() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Gets the host.
getHost() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WhoIsConfig
Gets the WhoIs host.
getHost() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPVirtualHost
Returns the host name.
getHostName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsDetails
The host name.
getHostNames() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
Get list of configured host names
getHTTPService(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WebServerConfig
Get named HTTP Service configuration.
getHTTPServices() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WebServerConfig
Get list of HTTP Service configurations.
getIgnoreErrorsFrom() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Gets the list of IP addresses to ignore errors from.
getInboundPool() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ThreadsConfig
Gets the inbound thread pool definition name.
getIncludedPaths() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.TopicReplicationConfig
The paths of the topic tree that will be included for replication.
getInputBufferSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Returns the input buffer size.
getInputBufferSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SocketConditioningConfig
Gets the input buffer size.
getKeepAlive() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReconnectConfig
Gets the keep alive value.
getKeepAlive() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ThreadPoolConfig
since 6.5, thread pools do not grow; this setting is no longer used and will be removed in a future release
getKeyStore() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Gets the KeyStore configuration.
getKeystoreConfig() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ManagementConfig
getLanguage() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyLocaleConfig
Gets the language.
getLatencyWarning() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.MultiplexerConfig
Gets the latency warning threshold.
getLevel() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.LogDescription
Gets the starting level.
getLink() - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig.FanoutLinkReadyCondition
getLink(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Get a named fan-out replication link.
getLinks() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Returns a list of the replication links.
getLocale() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsDetails
Returns the result of a geographic lookup of the IP address indicating where the address was allocated.
getLocales() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
Returns a list of the configured locales.
getLog() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.HTTPServiceConfig
Gets the log value.
getLog(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LoggingConfig
since 6.4.0. This setting is used to configure the Diffusion log implementation, which is deprecated in favor of Log4j 2. The Diffusion log implementation will be removed in a future release, together with this setting.
getLogDirectory() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.LogDescription
Returns the name of the directory to which this log file will be written.
getLogging() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Get the logging configuration.
getLoggingQueueSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LoggingConfig
since 6.4.0. This setting is used to configure the Diffusion log implementation, which is deprecated in favor of Log4j 2. The Diffusion log implementation will be removed in a future release, together with this setting.
getLogs() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LoggingConfig
since 6.4.0. This setting is used to configure the Diffusion log implementation, which is deprecated in favor of Log4j 2. The Diffusion log implementation will be removed in a future release, together with this setting.
getLowerThreshold() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.QueueConfig
Gets the lower threshold.
getManagement() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Get Management configuration.
getMaximumBytes() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.QueueConfig
Gets the maximum size of the outbound message queue in bytes.
getMaximumDepth() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.QueueConfig
Gets the maximum queue depth.
getMaximumEventQueueSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.MultiplexerConfig
Get the maximum size of the event queue for the multiplexer.
getMaximumInboundRequestSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ClientServiceConfig
Gets the maximum inbound request size.
getMaximumInboundRequestSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.HTTPServiceConfig
Gets the maximum inbound request size.
getMaximumMessageSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Returns the configured maximum message size.
getMaximumMessageSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SessionConfig
The maximum message size to use for the connector.
getMaximumQueuedBytes() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SessionConfig
Gets the maximum number of bytes that can be used by all outbound message queues of sessions using this connector.
getMaximumQueueDepth() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReconnectConfig
Gets the maximum queue depth.
getMaximumQueueSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Returns the maximum queue size.
getMaximumSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ThreadPoolConfig
since 6.5, thread pools do not grow; this setting is no longer used and will be removed in a future release
getMessageSequenceTimeout() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ClientServiceConfig
Gets the message sequence timeout.
getMethodName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPRequest
Get the method Name.
getMime(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.MimesConfig
Get a configured mime.
getMimes() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.MimesConfig
Get list of configured mimes.
getMimes() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Get mime types configuration.
getMonitorPeriod() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.MultiplexerConfig
Gets the multiplexer progress monitoring period.
getMultiplexerConfiguration() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Get the multiplexer configuration.
getName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ClientServiceConfig
Gets the service name.
getName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Gets the connector name.
getName() - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig.RemoteTopicViewReadyCondition
getName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Gets the connection name.
getName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutLinkConfig
Gets the link name.
getName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FileServiceConfig
Gets the file service name.
getName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.HTTPServiceConfig
Gets the service name.
getName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.PropertyConfig
Gets the property name.
getName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.QueueConfig
Gets the queue definition name.
getName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SelectorThreadPoolConfig
Returns the name of the selector thread pool.
getName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ThreadPoolConfig
Gets the definition name.
getName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
Gets the policy name.
getName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Gets the virtual host name.
getName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostRealmConfig
Gets the realm name.
getName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostRealmUserConfig
Gets the realm user name.
getName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WebServerConfig
Gets the Web Server name.
getName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.LogDescription
Gets the log description name.
getName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPServiceDetails
Returns the HTTP service name.
getName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPVirtualHost
Returns the virtual host name.
getNumberOfRequests() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPVirtualHost
Get the number of requests actioned since service started.
getOutputBufferSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Returns the output buffer size.
getOutputBufferSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SocketConditioningConfig
Gets the output buffer size.
getOutputFrequency() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ClientStatisticsConfig
Gets the output frequency for statistics reports to the log.
getParameter(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPRequest
Get specified parameter.
getPassword() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Returns the password.
getPassword() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.KeyStoreConfig
Gets the password.
getPassword() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostRealmUserConfig
Gets the password.
getPath() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostRealmConfig
Gets the realm path.
getPersistence() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Get the persistence configuration details.
getPersistenceDirectory() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Returns the persistence home directory, if one has been specified.
getPool(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SelectorThreadPoolsConfig
Returns pool definition with the given name.
getPool(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ThreadsConfig
Returns a named thread pool configuration.
getPools() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ThreadsConfig
Get the list of thread pool definitions.
getPort() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Gets the port.
getPort() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WhoIsConfig
Gets the port.
getPrincipal() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Returns the security principal.
getProperties() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.HTTPServiceConfig
Gets list of Service properties.
getProperties() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPServiceDetails
Returns all of the service properties.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.HTTPServiceConfig
Get a named property.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPServiceDetails
Returns the value of a specified property.
getProtocols() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Gets the client protocols supported by this connector.
getProvider() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReplicationConfig
Get the provider for replication.
getProvider() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WhoIsConfig
Gets the provider class.
getProxyProtocol() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Indicates the proxy protocol required for connection.
getQueue(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.QueuesConfig
Get a named queue definition.
getQueueDefinition() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SessionConfig
Gets the queue definition.
getQueues() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.QueuesConfig
Get the list of configured queue definitions.
getQueues() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Gets the queues configuration details.
getQueueSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ThreadPoolConfig
Returns the queue size.
getQuorum() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReplicationConfig
Gets the quorum size.
getRealm(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Get a named realm.
getRealms() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Gets the configured Realms.
getReconnect() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SessionConfig
Gets the Reconnect Configuration.
getReconnectTimeout() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Returns the reconnect timeout value.
getRecoveryBufferSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Returns the recovery buffer size.
getRecoveryBufferSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReconnectConfig
Returns the maximum number of sent messages that can be recovered on reconnection.
getRegistryPort() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ManagementConfig
Gets the RMI registry port.
getRemoteAddress() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPRequest
Get the remote address of the HTTP request.
getReplication() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Get replication configuration.
getResetFrequency() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ClientStatisticsConfig
Gets the reset frequency.
getResolvedName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsDetails
Returns the resolved name.
getResolvedNames() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
Get list of resolved names.
getRetryDelay() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Get the retry delay value.
getRotationPeriod() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.LogDescription
The time after which to rotate the log file.
getRotationTimeUnit() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.LogDescription
The time unit to be used, with value of LogDescription.getRotationPeriod(), to rotate the log file.
getSecurity() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Gets the security configuration details.
getSelector() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutLinkConfig
Returns the link selector expression.
getSelectorThreadCount() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SelectorThreadPoolsConfig
Returns the total count of selector threads configured for all pools.
getSelectorThreadPoolDefinition() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Gets the selector thread pool definition.
getSelectorThreadPools() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Gets the selector thread pools configuration.
getServerLog() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LoggingConfig
since 6.4.0. This setting is used to configure the Diffusion log implementation, which is deprecated in favor of Log4j 2. The Diffusion log implementation will be removed in a future release, together with this setting.
getServerName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Returns the server name.
getSessionReplication() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReplicationConfig
Get the configuration for the session replication.
getShutdownHook() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.HooksConfig
Gets the shutdown hook.
getSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.MultiplexerConfig
Gets the size.
getSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SelectorThreadPoolConfig
Returns the number of threads managed by this pool.
getSize() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ThreadPoolConfig
Returns the pool size.
getSocketConditioning() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Gets the Socket Conditioning Configuration.
getStartConditions() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Gets the conditions that must be satisfied before the connector is automatically started.
getStartupHook() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.HooksConfig
Gets the startup hook class name.
getStatistics() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Get statistics configuration.
getStoreDirectory() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.PersistenceConfig
since 6.3

See PersistenceConfig.setStoreDirectory(java.lang.String). This will be removed in a future release.

getSystemPingFrequency() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SessionConfig
Gets the system ping frequency.
getThreadPoolDefinition() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Gets the thread pool definition.
getThreads() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Gets the Threads configuration.
getThreads() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WhoIsConfig
Gets the number of resolver threads.
getTimeFormat() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FormattingConfig
Returns the time format.
getTimeouts() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Gets the timeouts configuration.
getTimestamp() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPRequest
Return the request time.
getTimestampFormat() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FormattingConfig
Returns the timestamp format.
getTopicReplication() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReplicationConfig
Get the configuration for the topic replication.
getType() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.MimeConfig
Returns the associated mime type.
getType() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.PropertyConfig
Gets the type.
getType() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
Gets the policy type.
getType() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsData
Returns the object type.
getUpperThreshold() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.QueueConfig
Gets the upper threshold.
getUrl() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Returns the URL of the primary server to connect to.
getURL() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPRequest
Returns the request URL.
getUrlPattern() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.HTTPServiceConfig
Gets the URL pattern.
getUser(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostRealmConfig
Gets a named realm user.
getUserLibraries() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Gets the user library configuration.
getUsers() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostRealmConfig
Gets the realm users.
getValidationPolicyFile() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Gets the validation policy file.
getValue() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.PropertyConfig
Gets the property value.
getValue(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsData
Returns a value for the specified key.
getValues(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsData
Returns all values whose key has a given prefix.
getVirtualHost(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FileServiceConfig
Get a named virtual host configuration.
getVirtualHosts() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FileServiceConfig
Get Virtual Hosts configured.
getWebServer() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Gets the Web Server name.
getWebServer(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Get a named Web Server configuration.
getWebServerName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPServiceDetails
Returns the Web Server Name.
getWebServerName() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPVirtualHost
Returns the web server name.
getWebServers() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Gets the list of configured web servers.
getWebsocketOrigin() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ClientServiceConfig
Gets the WebSocket origin pattern.
getWhois() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
since 6.4

Who-Is style lookups are better performed within authentication handlers and therefore the WhoIs service will be withdrawn in a future release

getWhoIsData() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsDetails
Returns WhoIs data associated with the Internet address.
getWriteTimeout() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Returns the write timeout.
getWriteTimeout() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FileServiceConfig
Gets the write timeout value.
getWriteTimeout() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.TimeoutsConfig
Gets the write timeout value.


handleHTTPRequest(HTTPRequest) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPServiceHandler
Handle a received HTTP request.
hasHostNames() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
hasLocales() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
Indicates whether any locales have been defined.
hasResolvedNames() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
Returns true if any resolved names have been defined.
HooksConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Server user hooks configuration.
HTTPRequest - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver
Details of an HTTP Request from a web server.
HTTPResponse - Class in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver
HTTPResponse() - Constructor for class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Creates an HTTP Response object.
HTTPServiceConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Web Server HTTP Service Config.
HTTPServiceDetails - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver
The details associated with an HTTP Service.
HTTPServiceHandler - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver
This is the interface for user written HTTP services as defined in WebServer.xml.
HTTPVirtualHost - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver
An HTTP Virtual Host within a file service.


isAsyncLogging() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LoggingConfig
since 6.4.0. This setting is used to configure the Diffusion log implementation, which is deprecated in favor of Log4j 2. The Diffusion log implementation will be removed in a future release, together with this setting.
isCompressionEnabled() - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Indicates whether compression is enabled.
isConnection() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
since 6.5. This method always returns true and will be removed in a future release.
isConnectionValid(InetSocketAddress, Locale) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectionValidationPolicyConfig
Check to see if a remote address and locale are valid for this policy.
isCookieDisabled() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ClientServiceConfig
Is the session cookie disabled?
isDebug() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ClientServiceConfig
Is debug set?
isDebug() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.HTTPServiceConfig
Is debug set?
isDebug() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostCacheConfig
Is debug set?
isDebug() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Is debug set?
isDebug() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPServiceDetails
Is debug set?
isDebug() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPVirtualHost
Indicates whether debug is set.
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConfigurationReplicationConfig
Indicates whether the replication of configuration items is enabled regardless of whether topic and/or session replication is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.GeoIpConfig
Is Geo Ip enabled?
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ManagementConfig
Whether or not the external JMX Connector is enabled or not.
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.PersistenceConfig
Indicates whether the persistence service is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SessionReplicationConfig
Is session replication enabled for the server.
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.TopicReplicationConfig
Is topic replication enabled for the server.
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WhoIsConfig
Indicates whether the WhoIs service is enabled.
isFileAppend() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.LogDescription
Specifies whether log records should be appended to existing log files.
isKeepAlive() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SocketConditioningConfig
Is TCP keep alive set?
isKubernetesEnabled() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReplicationConfig
Is Kubernetes replication configuration enabled.
isLocal() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsDetails
Returns true if this is a local address.
isLocked() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.Config
Indicates whether the configuration object is locked.
isLoggingThreadNames() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LoggingConfig
since 6.4.0. This setting is used to configure the Diffusion log implementation, which is deprecated in favor of Log4j 2. The Diffusion log implementation will be removed in a future release, together with this setting.
isLoopback() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsDetails
Returns true if this is a loopback address.
isMandatory() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.KeyStoreConfig
Is keyStore mandatory?
isMinify() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Is minify option set?
isMinify() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPVirtualHost
Indicates whether the minify property is set.
isNoDelay() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SocketConditioningConfig
Is TCP no delay option set?
isRemoteAddressValid(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectionValidationPolicyConfig
Check to see if the specified IP address is valid for the this policy.
isRequired() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Gets the boolean value specifying if the connector is required.
isReuseAddress() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SocketConditioningConfig
Is reuse address option set?
isStarted() - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.DiffusionServer
isStarted() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.EmbeddedDiffusion
isStatic() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Is static set?
isStatic() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPVirtualHost
Indicates whether static.
isStopped() - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.DiffusionServer
isStopped() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.EmbeddedDiffusion
isSubscription() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
since 6.5. This method always returns false and will be removed in a future release.
isXmlFormat() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.LogDescription
Indicates whether the log file should be output in XML format.


keys() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsData
Returns the set of keys.
KeyStoreConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
KeyStore configuration for a connector.


LogConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
since 6.4.0. This class is used to configure the Diffusion log implementation, which is deprecated in favor of Log4j 2. The Diffusion log implementation will be removed in a future release, together with this class.
LogDescription - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api
since 6.4

The Diffusion log implementation, which is deprecated in favor of Log4j 2, will be removed in a future release.

LogDescription.LogLevel - Enum in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api
since 6.4

The Diffusion log implementation, which is deprecated in favor of Log4j 2, will be removed in a future release.

LoggingConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Logging Configuration.


main(String...) - Static method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.DiffusionServer
This can be invoked to run free standing.
ManagementConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Management Configuration.
MimeConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Mime Configuration.
MimesConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Mimes - as used in Web server file services.
MultiplexerConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Multiplexer configuration.


newDateFormat() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FormattingConfig
Create a Date Format object based upon the specified date format.
newDateTimeFormat() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FormattingConfig
Create a Date Format object based upon the specified data and time format.
newTimeFormat() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FormattingConfig
Create a Date Format object based upon the specified time format.
newTimestampFormat() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FormattingConfig
Create a Date Format object based upon the specified timestamp format.


onStateChanged(EmbeddedDiffusion.State) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.EmbeddedDiffusion.LifecycleListener
Callback method for state changes.


PersistenceConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Configuration for the topic persistence service.
populateResponseBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Generate a HTTP Response from the details provided and populate the ByteBuffer.
print(PrintStream) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsData
Prints the WhoIs data.
PropertyConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Property Configuration.


QueueConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Queue Definition Configuration.
QueuesConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Configuration of Client Queue Definitions.


ReconnectConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Reconnect configuration for a connector.
RemoteTopicViewReadyCondition(String) - Constructor for class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig.RemoteTopicViewReadyCondition
removeAddresses() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
Remove all addresses.
removeAllDirectories() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.UserLibrariesConfig
Remove all directories.
removeClientService() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WebServerConfig
Remove Client Service.
removeConnectionValidationPolicy(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Remove a named connection validation policy.
removeFileService() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WebServerConfig
Remove File Service.
removeHeader(String) - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Removes a header from the response.
removeHostNames() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
Remove all host names.
removeHTTPService(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WebServerConfig
Remove a named HTTP Service.
removeLifecycleListener(EmbeddedDiffusion.LifecycleListener) - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.DiffusionServer
removeLifecycleListener(EmbeddedDiffusion.LifecycleListener) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.EmbeddedDiffusion
De-Register for lifecycle events.
removeLocales() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
Remove all locales from the configuration.
removeLog(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LoggingConfig
since 6.4.0. This setting is used to configure the Diffusion log implementation, which is deprecated in favor of Log4j 2. The Diffusion log implementation will be removed in a future release, together with this setting.
removeRealm(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Remove a named realm.
removeResolvedNames() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
Remove all resolved names.
removeUser(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostRealmConfig
Remove a realm user.
removeVirtualHost(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FileServiceConfig
Remove virtual host.
REPLICATED_TOPICS_RESTORED_CONDITION - Static variable in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Singleton start condition that is satisfied when the server is configured as part of a cluster, has joined the cluster, and has completed restoration of replicated topics.
ReplicationConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
The configuration for replication.


SecurityConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Server Security Configuration.
SelectorThreadPoolConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
A single selector thread pool configuration.
SelectorThreadPoolsConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Selector thread pools configuration.
ServerAuthenticationHandlerConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
An authentication handler hosted on the server.
ServerConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Server Configuration.
ServerShutdownHook - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.publisher
This is the interface for the ServerShutdownHook.
serverStarting() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.publisher.ServerStartupHook
This method is called when the server is starting.
ServerStartupHook - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.publisher
This is the interface for the ServerStartupHook.
serverStopping() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.publisher.ServerShutdownHook
This method is called when the Server is stopping.
SessionConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Connector session configuration attributes.
SessionConfig.CompressionScheme - Enum in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Compression schemes.
SessionReplicationConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
The configuration for the session replication service.
setAliasFile(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Sets the alias file.
setAsyncLogging(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LoggingConfig
since 6.4.0. This setting is used to configure the Diffusion log implementation, which is deprecated in favor of Log4j 2. The Diffusion log implementation will be removed in a future release, together with this setting.
setAuthenticationHandlers(List<? extends AuthenticationHandlerConfig>) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SecurityConfig
Authentication handlers, in order of decreasing precedence.
setBackgroundPoolSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ThreadsConfig
Sets the number of threads to use for the background thread pool.
setBacklog(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Sets the backlog.
setBody(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Set the body of the HTTP request.
setBody(byte[]) - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Set the body of the HTTP request.
setCacheMaximumSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WhoIsConfig
Sets the maximum size of the WhoIs cache.
setCacheRetentionTime(long) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WhoIsConfig
Sets retention time for WhoIs cache entries.
setCacheSizeLimit(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostCacheConfig
Sets the cache size limit.
setCacheTidyInterval(long) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WhoIsConfig
Sets the WhoIs cache tidy interval.
setChunkedEncoding() - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Sets transfer encoding header to chunked.
setClientService(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WebServerConfig
Add a client service.
setCompressionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Toggles the response to be compressed or not.
setCompressionSchemes(Set<SessionConfig.CompressionScheme>) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SessionConfig
Set the compression schemes supported by this connector.
setCompressionThreshold(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Sets the compression threshold.
setConflates(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.QueueConfig
Sets whether the queue has conflation enabled by default.
setConnectionClose() - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Sets the connection header to close.
setConnectionKeepAlive() - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Sets the Keep-Alive header.
setConnectionPort(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ManagementConfig
Sets the JMX service port.
setConnectionTimeout(long) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Sets the connection timeout for inbound connections.
setConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Sets the connection timeout.
setConnectionTimeout(long) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.TimeoutsConfig
Sets the connection timeout.
setConnector(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReplicationConfig
Sets the name of the connector used to configure connections to other servers in the cluster.
setConsoleLogLevel(LogDescription.LogLevel) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LoggingConfig
Sets the console log level.
setConsoleMonitoredLog(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LoggingConfig
Sets the console monitored log path.
setContentLength(int) - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Sets the content length header.
setCookie(String) - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Sets the session cookie header.
setCookieDisabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ClientServiceConfig
Sets the session cookie as enabled/disabled.
setCoreSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ThreadPoolConfig
since 6.5, thread pools do not grow; this setting is no longer used and will be removed in a future release
setCORSOrigin(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ClientServiceConfig
Sets the CORS origin.
setCorsResponseOrigin(String) - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Sets the cors response origin header.
setDateFormat(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FormattingConfig
Sets the date format.
setDateFormat(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LogConfig
Specifies a date format to use for formatting dates used in the %d part of the file pattern (see {link LogConfig.setFilePattern(String)).
setDateTimeFormat(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FormattingConfig
Sets the date and time format.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ClientServiceConfig
Sets debug.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.HTTPServiceConfig
Sets debug option.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostCacheConfig
Sets debug option.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Sets debug option.
setDefaultLogDirectory(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LoggingConfig
Sets the default log directory path.
setDefaultQueue(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.QueuesConfig
Sets the name of the default queue definition.
setDefaultSelectorThreadPool(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SelectorThreadPoolsConfig
Sets the thread pool definition to use as default selector thread pool.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConfigurationReplicationConfig
Set replication of configuration items enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.GeoIpConfig
Sets enabled flag.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ManagementConfig
Sets whether or not a remote JMX Connector is enabled or not.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.PersistenceConfig
Enable or disable the persistence service.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SessionReplicationConfig
Set replication enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.TopicReplicationConfig
Set replication enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WhoIsConfig
Set WhoIs enabled.
setErrorPage(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Sets the error page.
setETag(String) - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Sets the Etag header.
setExcludedPaths(Set<String>) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.TopicReplicationConfig
Set the excluded paths.
setExternalHost(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReplicationConfig
Optionally override the host name that peer servers should use to connect to this server.
setExternalPort(Integer) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReplicationConfig
Optionally override the port that peer servers should use to connect to this server.
setFile(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.KeyStoreConfig
Sets the file path of the KeyStore.
setFileAppend(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LogConfig
Sets the file append option.
setFileCount(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LogConfig
Sets the file count.
setFileLifeTime(long) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostCacheConfig
Sets the file lifetime.
setFileLimit(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LogConfig
Sets the file limit.
setFileName(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.GeoIpConfig
Sets the name of the Maxmind GeoCityIP city file.
setFilePattern(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LogConfig
Sets the file pattern.
setFileService(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WebServerConfig
Add a file service.
setFileSizeLimit(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostCacheConfig
Sets the file size limit.
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Adds a header to the response.
setHeadResponse() - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
If this method is called, then the resulting response will be a HEAD response only.
setHost(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Sets the host address to bind to.
setHost(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ManagementConfig
Set the host.
setHost(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WhoIsConfig
Sets the whois host.
setInboundPool(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ThreadsConfig
Sets the thread pool definition to use for the inbound thread pool.
setIncludedPaths(Set<String>) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.TopicReplicationConfig
Set the paths of the topic tree to include for replication.
setInputBufferSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Sets the input buffer size for the connection.
setInputBufferSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SocketConditioningConfig
Sets the input buffer size.
setKeepAlive(long) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReconnectConfig
Sets the keep alive value.
setKeepAlive(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SocketConditioningConfig
Sets the TCP keep alive option.
setKeepAlive(long) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ThreadPoolConfig
since 6.5, thread pools do not grow; this setting is no longer used and will be removed in a future release
setKeystoreConfig(KeyStoreConfig) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ManagementConfig
Sets the keystore configuration.
setKubernetesEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReplicationConfig
Set Kubernetes replication configuration enabled.
setLastModifiedDate(long) - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Sets the Last Modified header to the date supplied.
setLatencyWarning(long) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.MultiplexerConfig
Sets the latency warning threshold.
setLevel(LogDescription.LogLevel) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LogConfig
Sets the starting log level.
setLog(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.HTTPServiceConfig
Sets the log file.
setLogDirectory(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LogConfig
Sets the log directory.
setLoggingQueueSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LoggingConfig
since 6.4.0. This setting is used to configure the Diffusion log implementation, which is deprecated in favor of Log4j 2. The Diffusion log implementation will be removed in a future release, together with this setting.
setLogThreadNames(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LoggingConfig
since 6.4.0. This setting is used to configure the Diffusion log implementation, which is deprecated in favor of Log4j 2. The Diffusion log implementation will be removed in a future release, together with this setting.
setLowerThreshold(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.QueueConfig
Sets the lower threshold.
setMandatory(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.KeyStoreConfig
Sets if keyStore is mandatory.
setMaximumBytes(long) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.QueueConfig
Sets the maximum size of the outbound message queue in bytes.
setMaximumDepth(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.QueueConfig
Sets the maximum depth of the queue.
setMaximumEventQueueSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.MultiplexerConfig
Sets the maximum event queue size.
setMaximumInboundRequestSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ClientServiceConfig
Sets the maximum inbound request size.
setMaximumInboundRequestSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.HTTPServiceConfig
Sets maximum inbound request size.
setMaximumMessageSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Sets the maximum message size.
setMaximumQueuedBytes(long) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SessionConfig
Sets the maximum number of bytes that can be used by all outbound message queues of sessions using this connector.
setMaximumQueueDepth(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReconnectConfig
Sets the maximum queue depth value.
setMaximumQueueSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Sets the maximum queue size for messages queued to be sent to the primary server.
setMaximumSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ThreadPoolConfig
since 6.5, thread pools do not grow; this setting is no longer used and will be removed in a future release
setMessageSequenceTimeout(long) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ClientServiceConfig
Sets the message sequence timeout.
setMimeType(String) - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Change the default mime type.
setMinify(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Sets minify option.
setMonitorPeriod(long) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.MultiplexerConfig
Sets the multiplexer progress monitoring period.
setNoCache() - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Sets cache control to no-store, no-cache.
setNoDelay(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SocketConditioningConfig
Sets the no delay option.
setOutputBufferSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Sets the output buffer size.
setOutputBufferSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SocketConditioningConfig
Sets the output buffer size.
setOutputFrequency(long) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ClientStatisticsConfig
Sets the output frequency for statistics reports to the log.
setPassword(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Sets a password to be used when authenticating with the primary server.
setPassword(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.KeyStoreConfig
Sets the keyStore password.
setPersistenceDirectory(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Sets the name of a directory under which persistent files will be maintained.
setPort(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Sets the port that the connector binds to.
setPort(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WhoIsConfig
Sets the WhoIs port.
setPrincipal(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Sets the security principal to use when authenticating with the primary server.
setProtocols(Set<ConnectorConfig.Protocol>) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Sets the client protocols supported by this connector.
setProvider(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReplicationConfig
Set the provider for replication.
setProvider(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WhoIsConfig
Sets the provider class.
setProxyProtocol(ConnectorConfig.ProxyProtocol) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Sets the proxy protocol required for connection.
setQueueDefinition(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SessionConfig
Sets the queue definition.
setQueueSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ThreadPoolConfig
Sets the queue size.
setQuorum(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReplicationConfig
Sets the quorum size.
setReconnectTimeout(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Sets the overall reconnection timeout value.
setRecoveryBufferSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Set the recovery buffer size.
setRecoveryBufferSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ReconnectConfig
Set the maximum number of sent messages that can be recovered on reconnection.
setRegistryPort(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ManagementConfig
Sets the RMI registry port.
setRequired(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Sets a boolean value to specify if the connector is required on startup.
setResetFrequency(long) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ClientStatisticsConfig
Sets the reset frequency
setResolvedName(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsDetails
May be used to set a resolved name in a WhoIsProvider implementation.
setResponseCode(int) - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPResponse
Set the response code for the HTTP response, default is 200.
setRetryDelay(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait after failing to connect or losing the connection to the primary server before trying to connect again.
setReuseAddress(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SocketConditioningConfig
Sets the reuse address option.
setRotationPeriod(int, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LogConfig
Set the rotation period of the log file.
setSelectorThreadPoolDefinition(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Sets the thread pool definition.
setServerLog(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LoggingConfig
since 6.4.0. This setting is used to configure the Diffusion log implementation, which is deprecated in favor of Log4j 2. The Diffusion log implementation will be removed in a future release, together with this setting.
setServerName(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ServerConfig
Sets the server name.
setServiceDetails(HTTPServiceDetails) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPServiceHandler
This is called upon instantiating the handler to pass it the configured details of the service.
setShutdownHook(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.HooksConfig
Sets the value of the shutdownHook property.
setSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.MultiplexerConfig
Sets the number of multiplexer threads.
setSize(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ThreadPoolConfig
Sets the pool size.
setStartConditions(List<? extends ConnectorConfig.StartCondition>) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Sets the conditions that must be satisfied before the connector is automatically started.
setStartupHook(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.HooksConfig
Sets the start up hook.
setStatic(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.VirtualHostConfig
Sets static option.
setStoreDirectory(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.PersistenceConfig
since 6.3

Use ServerConfig.setPersistenceDirectory(java.lang.String) instead. This will be removed in a future release.

setSystemPingFrequency(long) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SessionConfig
Sets the system ping frequency.
setThreadPoolDefinition(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Sets the thread pool definition.
setThreads(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.WhoIsConfig
Sets the number of resolver threads used by the WhoIs service.
setTimeFormat(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FormattingConfig
Sets the time format.
setTimestampFormat(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FormattingConfig
Sets the timestamp format.
setType(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.MimeConfig
Sets the associated mime type.
setType(ValidationPolicyConfig.Type) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
Sets the policy type.
setUpperThreshold(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.QueueConfig
Sets the upper threshold.
setValidationPolicyFile(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Sets a validation policy file.
setValue(String, String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsData
Sets a key/value pair in the data.
setWebServer(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig
Sets the Web Server.
setWebsocketOrigin(String) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ClientServiceConfig
Sets the WebSocket origin patten.
setWhoIsData(WhoIsData) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsDetails
Used to set WhoIs data for the Internet address from within a WhoIsProvider implementation.
setWriteTimeout(int) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FanOutConnectionConfig
Sets the write timeout value.
setWriteTimeout(long) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.FileServiceConfig
Sets the write timeout.
setWriteTimeout(long) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.TimeoutsConfig
Sets the value of the write timeout for blocking write operations.
setXmlFormat(boolean) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.LogConfig
Sets the XML format option.
SocketConditioningConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Socket Conditioning configuration for a connector.
start() - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.DiffusionServer
Starts the server.
start() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.EmbeddedDiffusion
Starts the server.
startService() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPVirtualHost
Start the service.
StatisticsConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Statistics Configuration.
stop() - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.DiffusionServer
Stops the server.
stop() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.EmbeddedDiffusion
Stops the server.
stopService() - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPVirtualHost
Stop the service.
SystemAuthenticationHandlerConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
The system authentication handler.


ThreadPoolConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Thread Pool Configuration.
ThreadsConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Configuration of Thread Related Information.
TimeoutsConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Configuration of timeouts.
TopicReplicationConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
The configuration for topic replication.


UserLibrariesConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
User Library Config Details.


validate(String, String, String, Locale) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig
Check to see if the supplied details are valid for this policy.
ValidationPolicyConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Validation Policy Configuration.
ValidationPolicyConfig.Type - Enum in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Policy type.
ValidationPolicyLocaleConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Validation Policy Locale Config.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig.Protocol
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig.ProxyProtocol
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SessionConfig.CompressionScheme
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.LogDescription.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.EmbeddedDiffusion.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig.Protocol
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ConnectorConfig.ProxyProtocol
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.SessionConfig.CompressionScheme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config.ValidationPolicyConfig.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.LogDescription.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.server.EmbeddedDiffusion.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VirtualHostCacheConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Virtual Host Cache Configuration.
VirtualHostConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Virtual Host Configuration.
VirtualHostRealmConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Virtual Host Realm Configuration.
VirtualHostRealmUserConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Virtual Host Realm User Configuration.


WebServerConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
Web Server Configuration.
whoIs(String, WhoIsDetails) - Method in class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsDefaultProvider
Performs a WhoIs lookup.
whoIs(String, WhoIsDetails) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsProvider
Resolves a supplied IP address.
WhoIsConfig - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.config
since 6.4

Who-Is style lookups are better performed within authentication handlers and therefore the WhoIs service will be withdrawn in a future release

WhoIsData - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois
since 6.4

The Diffusion WhoIs API is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

WhoIsDefaultProvider - Class in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois
since 6.4

The Diffusion WhoIs API is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

WhoIsDefaultProvider(WhoIsConfig) - Constructor for class com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois.WhoIsDefaultProvider
Create WhoIs Default provider.
WhoIsDetails - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois
since 6.4

The Diffusion WhoIs API is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

WhoIsProvider - Interface in com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.whois
since 6.4

The Diffusion WhoIs API is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

writeResponse(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface com.pushtechnology.diffusion.api.webserver.HTTPRequest
Write a response.
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DiffusionTM Server API 6.7.4

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