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Configuring a remote JMX server connector

Connect to Java Management Extensions (JMX) through a remote connector to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that runs the Diffusion™. This connector is not integrated with the Diffusion server security and you must configure additional security in the JVM.

Important: We recommend that you use the Diffusion connector server to connect to the JMX service. For more information, see Configuring the Diffusion JMX connector server.

The JVM that runs Diffusion accepts remote connections from JMX clients such as JConsole and Java™ VisualVM.

  1. Configure security for your remote JMX connection.
    The security users and roles defined for the JVM do not integrate with the security provided by the Diffusion server
  2. When starting Diffusion, set the properties required for your remote JMX connection.
  3. Optional:
    Note: If you are using a firewall that employs network address translation (NAT), you might still be unable to connect to Diffusion even when the JMX ports are left open.
    To make a secure connection or a connection through a firewall, you can use SSH tunnelling:
    1. Establish an SSH connection to the fire-walled Diffusion server.
    2. Tunnel the remote method invocation (RMI) registry port and JMX service port through SSH.
    3. Use JMX to connect to the local ends of the tunneled ports.
Use the ports you have configured to connect a JMX management console to the Diffusion server. These connections can be made over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).