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Using Java VisualVM

You can manage Diffusion™ using the Java Management Extensions (JMX) system management console Java™ VisualVM.

Java VisualVM is usually installed with Java Development Kit (JDK)'s but can be downloaded from https://visualvm.dev.java.net/.

Connecting to the Diffusion connector server

  1. Start Java VisualVM.
  2. Right-click on the Remote section of the Applications panel and select Add Remote Host.
  3. In the Host name field, type the host name or IP address of the server where Diffusion is running. Click OK.
  4. In the Applications panel, right-click on the name of the server where Diffusion is running. Select Add JMX Connection.
  5. In the Connection field, enter the host name and remote method invocation (RMI) registry port for the Diffusion server.
  6. Select Use security credentials and enter the username and password of a principal that you have configured to be able to use JMX. For more information, see Configuring the Diffusion JMX connector server. Click OK.
Information about the Diffusion process is displayed in the main panel.

Connecting to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) remote connector server

Note: We recommend you use the Diffusion connector server to access the JMX service.
  1. Start Java VisualVM.
  2. Right-click on the Remote section of the Applications panel and select Add Remote Host.
  3. In the Host name field, type the host name or IP address of the server where Diffusion is running. Click OK.
  4. In the Applications panel, right-click on the name of the server where Diffusion is running. Select Add JMX Connection.
  5. In the Connection field, enter the host name and RMI registry port for the Diffusion server.
  6. Select Use security credentials and enter the username and password of a user that you have configured in the JVM. For more information, see Configuring a remote JMX server connector. Click OK.
Information about the Diffusion process is displayed in the main panel.

Connecting to the JVM local connector server

Figure 1. Java VisualVM: Overview tab
Screenshot of the Overview tab of Java Visual VM. The Overview tab shows the following information about the process: PID, Host, Main class, Arguments, JVM, Java Home, JVM flags, and heap dump on OOME.

Note: We recommend you use the Diffusion connector server to access the JMX service.
  1. Start Java VisualVM.
  2. From the Local section of the Applications panel, select the Diffusion process, com.pushtechnology.diffusion.Diffusion.
  3. Right-click com.pushtechnology.diffusion.Diffusion and select Open.
Information about the Diffusion process is displayed in the main panel.

Once connected to JMX, several aspects of the system are available to monitor and tune. For more information, see the Java VisualVM documentation: http://visualvm.java.net/docindex.html.