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Connection attempt from {} to {} (connector '{}') rejected because it did not complete within the configured timeout of {} ms.


A network connection timed out due to inactivity on the channel.

Additional information

The Diffusion™ server gives a client connection a limited time to complete its handshake processing. If the network connection takes longer than the timeout, the connection is closed and the Diffusion server PUSH-000617 is logged.

This issue can be caused by the following circumstances:
  • Diffusion is heavily loaded.
    To reduce the number of refused connections, you can increase the connection timeout value in one of the following ways:
    • Update the connection-timeout element in the Server.xml configuration file to increase the default timeout value for all connectors. In the default configuration, this value is set to 5s. If the value is not defined here, a value of 2s is used.
    • Update the connection-timeout element in the Connectors.xml configuration file to increase the timeout value for a specific connector. If a timeout value is not defined for a connector, the value set in the Server.xml configuration file is used instead.
  • Connections are being made by an application that pings or investigates the Diffusion connector ports without using the Diffusion API.

    If this is the case, you can suppress the log messages about invalid connections by using the ignore-errors-from element in the Connectors.xml configuration file to specify the source IP address of the invalid connection.