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Interface RemoteServers


  • RemoteServers




  • Parameters

    • name: string

    Returns Result<RemoteServerStatus>

    a Result that completes when a response is received from the server, returning details of the remote server state.

    If the task fails, the Result will resolve with an error. Common reasons for failure include:

    • the calling session does not have CONTROL_SERVER permission;
    • the session is closed.


  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<RemoteServer>

    a Result that completes when a response is received from the server, returning the definition of the remote server created by the operation.

    If the task fails, the Result will resolve with an error. Common reasons for failure include:

    • a remote server with the given name already exists;
    • one or more connection options are invalid;
    • the operation failed due to a transient cluster error;
    • the calling session does not have CONTROL_SERVER permission;
    • the session is closed;
    • the feature is not licensed.
    • NullValueError – if any of the required arguments are null or undefined


  • Returns Result<RemoteServer[]>

    a Result that resolves when a response is received from the server, returning a list of remote servers.

    If the task fails, the Result will resolve with an Error. Common reasons for failure include:

    • the calling session does not have CONTROL_SERVER permission;
    • the session is closed.


  • removeRemoteServer(name: string): Result<void>
  • Parameters

    • name: string

    Returns Result<void>

    a Result that resolves when a response is received from the server.

    If the task fails, the Result will resolve with an Error. Common reasons for failure include:

    • the cluster was repartitioning;
    • the calling session does not have CONTROL_SERVER permission;
    • the session is closed.