Diffusion Apple API  6.10.0
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PTDiffusionUpdateStreamBuilder Class Reference


An update stream builder.

Builder for update stream to use for updating a specific topic.

The type of the topic being updated must match the update stream type.

To create a new Update Stream Builder, please use newUpdateStreamBuilder.

Inheritance diagram for PTDiffusionUpdateStreamBuilder:

Instance Methods

(instancetype) - topicSpecification:
(instancetype) - updateConstraint:
(instancetype) - reset
(PTDiffusionStringUpdateStream *) - stringUpdateStreamWithPath:
(PTDiffusionNumberUpdateStream *) - doubleFloatNumberUpdateStreamWithPath:
(PTDiffusionNumberUpdateStream *) - int64NumberUpdateStreamWithPath:
(PTDiffusionBinaryUpdateStream *) - binaryUpdateStreamWithPath:
(PTDiffusionJSONUpdateStream *) - jsonUpdateStreamWithPath:
< NSString * > *) 
- recoverableStringUpdateStreamWithPath:retryStrategy:
< NSNumber * > *) 
- recoverableDoubleFloatNumberUpdateStreamWithPath:retryStrategy:
< NSNumber * > *) 
- recoverableInt64NumberUpdateStreamWithPath:retryStrategy:
< PTDiffusionBinary * > *) 
- recoverableBinaryUpdateStreamWithPath:retryStrategy:
< PTDiffusionJSON * > *) 
- recoverableJsonUpdateStreamWithPath:retryStrategy:

Method Documentation

- (PTDiffusionBinaryUpdateStream *) binaryUpdateStreamWithPath: (NSString *)  path

Creates an update stream to use for updating a specific topic with binary values.

Update streams send a sequence of updates for a specific topic. The updates may be delivered to the server as binary deltas. They do not provide exclusive access to the topic. If exclusive access is required update streams should be used with session locks as constraints.

Streams are validated lazily when the first 'set' or 'validate' operation is completed. Once validated a stream can be invalidated, after which it rejects future updates.

pathThe path of the topic.
An update stream.
NSInvalidArgumentExceptionIf any argument is nil.
- (PTDiffusionNumberUpdateStream *) doubleFloatNumberUpdateStreamWithPath: (NSString *)  path

Creates an update stream to use for updating a specific topic with double-precision floating point (Eight-byte IEEE 754) values.

Update streams send a sequence of updates for a specific topic. The updates may be delivered to the server as binary deltas. They do not provide exclusive access to the topic. If exclusive access is required update streams should be used with session locks as constraints.

Streams are validated lazily when the first 'set' or 'validate' operation is completed. Once validated a stream can be invalidated, after which it rejects future updates.

pathThe path of the topic.
An update stream.
NSInvalidArgumentExceptionIf any argument is nil.
- (PTDiffusionNumberUpdateStream *) int64NumberUpdateStreamWithPath: (NSString *)  path

Creates an update stream to use for updating a specific topic with 64-bit integer values.

Update streams send a sequence of updates for a specific topic. The updates may be delivered to the server as binary deltas. They do not provide exclusive access to the topic. If exclusive access is required update streams should be used with session locks as constraints.

Streams are validated lazily when the first 'set' or 'validate' operation is completed. Once validated a stream can be invalidated, after which it rejects future updates.

pathThe path of the topic.
An update stream.
NSInvalidArgumentExceptionIf any argument is nil.
- (PTDiffusionJSONUpdateStream *) jsonUpdateStreamWithPath: (NSString *)  path

Creates an update stream to use for updating a specific topic with JSON values.

Update streams send a sequence of updates for a specific topic. The updates may be delivered to the server as binary deltas. They do not provide exclusive access to the topic. If exclusive access is required update streams should be used with session locks as constraints.

Streams are validated lazily when the first 'set' or 'validate' operation is completed. Once validated a stream can be invalidated, after which it rejects future updates.

pathThe path of the topic.
An update stream.
NSInvalidArgumentExceptionIf path is nil.
- (PTDiffusionRecoverableUpdateStream<PTDiffusionBinary *>*) recoverableBinaryUpdateStreamWithPath: (NSString *)  path
retryStrategy: (PTDiffusionRetryStrategy *)  strategy 

Creates an update stream to use for updating a specific topic with binary values.

Update streams send a sequence of updates for a specific topic. The updates may be delivered to the server as binary deltas. They do not provide exclusive access to the topic. If exclusive access is required update streams should be used with session locks as constraints.

Streams are validated lazily when the first 'set' or 'validate' operation is completed. Once validated a stream can be invalidated, after which it rejects future updates.

pathThe path of the topic.
strategyThe retry strategy should the update stream encounter a transient error.
A recoverable update stream.
- (PTDiffusionRecoverableUpdateStream<NSNumber*>*) recoverableDoubleFloatNumberUpdateStreamWithPath: (NSString *)  path
retryStrategy: (PTDiffusionRetryStrategy *)  strategy 

Creates an update stream to use for updating a specific topic with double-precision floating point (Eight-byte IEEE 754) values.

Update streams send a sequence of updates for a specific topic. The updates may be delivered to the server as binary deltas. They do not provide exclusive access to the topic. If exclusive access is required update streams should be used with session locks as constraints.

Streams are validated lazily when the first 'set' or 'validate' operation is completed. Once validated a stream can be invalidated, after which it rejects future updates.

pathThe path of the topic.
strategyThe retry strategy should the update stream encounter a transient error.
A recoverable update stream.
NSInvalidArgumentExceptionIf any argument is nil.
- (PTDiffusionRecoverableUpdateStream<NSNumber*>*) recoverableInt64NumberUpdateStreamWithPath: (NSString *)  path
retryStrategy: (PTDiffusionRetryStrategy *)  strategy 

Creates an update stream to use for updating a specific topic with 64-bit integer values.

Update streams send a sequence of updates for a specific topic. The updates may be delivered to the server as binary deltas. They do not provide exclusive access to the topic. If exclusive access is required update streams should be used with session locks as constraints.

Streams are validated lazily when the first 'set' or 'validate' operation is completed. Once validated a stream can be invalidated, after which it rejects future updates.

pathThe path of the topic.
strategyThe retry strategy should the update stream encounter a transient error.
A recoverable update stream.
NSInvalidArgumentExceptionIf any argument is nil.
- (PTDiffusionRecoverableUpdateStream<PTDiffusionJSON*> *) recoverableJsonUpdateStreamWithPath: (NSString *)  path
retryStrategy: (PTDiffusionRetryStrategy *)  strategy 

Creates an update stream to use for updating a specific topic with JSON values.

Update streams send a sequence of updates for a specific topic. The updates may be delivered to the server as binary deltas. They do not provide exclusive access to the topic. If exclusive access is required update streams should be used with session locks as constraints.

Streams are validated lazily when the first 'set' or 'validate' operation is completed. Once validated a stream can be invalidated, after which it rejects future updates.

pathThe path of the topic.
strategyThe retry strategy should the update stream encounter a transient error.
A recoverable update stream.
NSInvalidArgumentExceptionIf path is nil.
- (PTDiffusionRecoverableUpdateStream<NSString*>*) recoverableStringUpdateStreamWithPath: (NSString *)  path
retryStrategy: (PTDiffusionRetryStrategy *)  strategy 

Creates an update stream to use for updating a specific topic with string values.

Update streams send a sequence of updates for a specific topic. The updates may be delivered to the server as binary deltas. They do not provide exclusive access to the topic. If exclusive access is required update streams should be used with session locks as constraints.

Streams are validated lazily when the first 'set' or 'validate' operation is completed. Once validated a stream can be invalidated, after which it rejects future updates.

pathThe path of the topic.
strategyThe retry strategy should the update stream encounter a transient error.
A recoverable update stream.
NSInvalidArgumentExceptionIf any argument is nil.
- (instancetype) reset

Resets the builder to its default parameters.

the builder
- (PTDiffusionStringUpdateStream *) stringUpdateStreamWithPath: (NSString *)  path

Creates an update stream to use for updating a specific topic with string values.

Update streams send a sequence of updates for a specific topic. The updates may be delivered to the server as binary deltas. They do not provide exclusive access to the topic. If exclusive access is required update streams should be used with session locks as constraints.

Streams are validated lazily when the first 'set' or 'validate' operation is completed. Once validated a stream can be invalidated, after which it rejects future updates.

pathThe path of the topic.
An update stream.
NSInvalidArgumentExceptionIf any argument is nil.
- (instancetype) topicSpecification: (PTDiffusionTopicSpecification *const _Nullable)  specification

Specifies a topic specification for this update stream.

If a topic does not exist at the path, one will be created using the topic specification, otherwise the operation will fail.

Specification is nil by default. Calling this method with a nil parameter removes the currently set topic specification from this builder.

specificationthe required specification for the topic
the builder
- (instancetype) updateConstraint: (PTDiffusionUpdateConstraint *const _Nullable)  constraint

Constraints can be applied to the setting of a value and creation of an update stream. Constraints describe a condition that must be satisfied for the operation to succeed. The constraints are evaluated on the server. The available constraints are:

  • active session lock
  • absence of a topic,
  • current value of the topic being updated
  • part of the current value of the topic being updated

Constraint is nil by default. Calling this method with a nil parameter removes the currently set update constraint from this builder.

constraintthe constraint that must be satisfied for the update stream to be validated
the builder