Diffusion C API  6.10.4
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features Directory Reference


file  authentication-control.h
 Allows registering and deregistering an authentication service in a control client.
file  client-control.h
 Allows access to other sessions' properties and related operations for session management.
file  messaging.h
 Provides a client session with request-response messaging capabilities that can be used to implement application services.
file  metrics.h
 Allows a client to configure metric collectors.
file  pings.h
 Allows pinging the Diffusion server and other sessions.
file  remote-servers.h
 This feature allows a client session to manage remote servers.
file  security-control.h
 Allows the update of the Server security store, which controls roles and path permissions.
file  security.h
file  session-trees.h
 Allows a client session to configure session trees.
file  subscription-control.h
 Allows the subscription on behalf of other sessions to the topic tree.
file  system-authentication-control.h
 Allows the update of the Server system authentication store, which controls principals and trusted proposed session properties.
file  time-series.h
 Allows update and query of time series topics.
file  topic-control.h
 Allows the creation and removal of topics and notification of missing topics.
file  topic-notifications.h
 Allows a client session to receive notifications about changes to selected topics.
file  topic-update.h
 Provides a client session with the ability to update topics.
file  topic-views.h
 Allows a client session to manage topic views.
file  topics.h
 Subscription to topics and fetching topic data.