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system-authentication-control.h File Reference

Allows the update of the Server system authentication store, which controls principals and trusted proposed session properties. More...

Data Structures

struct  system_principal_s
 Structure describing a principal in the authentication store. More...
struct  system_authentication_store_s
struct  get_system_authentication_store_params_s
 Structure passed when requesting the system authentication store. More...
struct  update_system_authentication_store_params_s
 Structure passed when updating the system authentication store. More...


typedef struct system_principal_s SYSTEM_PRINCIPAL_T
 Structure describing a principal in the authentication store.
typedef int(* on_get_system_authentication_store_cb )(SESSION_T *session, const SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_STORE_T store, void *context)
 Callback for get_system_authentication_store(). More...
typedef struct
 Structure passed when requesting the system authentication store.
typedef int(* on_update_system_authentication_store_cb )(SESSION_T *session, const LIST_T *error_reports, void *context)
 Callback for update_system_authentication_store(). More...
typedef struct
 Structure passed when updating the system authentication store.


 Action to be taken by the system authentication handler for connection attempts that do not provide a principal name and credentials. More...


SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_STORE_Tsystem_authentication_store_create (void)
 Create a new, empty system authentication store structure. More...
void system_authentication_store_free (SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_STORE_T *store)
 Free all memory associated with a system authentication store structure. More...
void system_principal_free (SYSTEM_PRINCIPAL_T *system_principal)
 Free all memory associated with a system principal store structure. More...
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_STORE_Tsystem_authentication_store_dup (const SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_STORE_T *store)
 Copy an existing system authentication store structure. More...
SYSTEM_PRINCIPAL_Tsystem_principal_dup (const SYSTEM_PRINCIPAL_T *system_principal)
 Copy an existing system principal structure. More...
void get_system_authentication_store (SESSION_T *session, const GET_SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_STORE_PARAMS_T params)
 Get the server's system authentication store. More...
char ** get_principal_names (const SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_STORE_T store)
 Get an array of principals defined in the system authentication store. More...
char ** get_roles_for_principal (const SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_STORE_T store, const char *principal)
 Get an array of role names for a given principal. More...
char ** get_anonymous_roles (const SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_STORE_T store)
 Get an array of role names for anonymous connections. More...
void update_system_authentication_store (SESSION_T *session, const UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_STORE_PARAMS_T params)
 Send updates to the system authentication store. More...
SCRIPT_T * update_auth_store_deny_anonymous_connections (SCRIPT_T *script)
 Updates a script to add a command to deny anonymous connections. More...
SCRIPT_T * update_auth_store_abstain_anonymous_connections (SCRIPT_T *script)
 Updates a script to add a command to abstain from decisions relating to anonymous connections. More...
SCRIPT_T * update_auth_store_allow_anonymous_connections (SCRIPT_T *script, const LIST_T *roles)
 Updates a script to add a command to allow anonymous connections, and a list of roles those connections should have. More...
SCRIPT_T * update_auth_store_add_principal (SCRIPT_T *script, const char *principal, const char *password, const LIST_T *roles)
 Updates a script to add a command to add a new principal to the authentication store, and a list of roles assigned to them. More...
SCRIPT_T * update_auth_store_add_locked_principal (SCRIPT_T *script, const char *principal, const char *password, const LIST_T *roles, const char *locking_principal)
 Updates a script to add a command to add a new locked principal to the authentication store. More...
SCRIPT_T * update_auth_store_remove_principal (SCRIPT_T *script, const char *principal)
 Updates a script to add a command to remove an existing principal from the authentication store. More...
SCRIPT_T * update_auth_store_assign_roles (SCRIPT_T *script, const char *principal, const LIST_T *roles)
 Updates a script to assign roles to an existing principal. More...
SCRIPT_T * update_auth_store_set_password (SCRIPT_T *script, const char *principal, const char *password)
 Updates a script to change the password for an existing principal. More...
SCRIPT_T * update_auth_store_verify_password (SCRIPT_T *script, const char *principal, const char *password)
 Updates a script to include a command to verify a principal's password. More...
SCRIPT_T * update_auth_store_trust_client_proposed_property_in (SCRIPT_T *script, const char *property_name, const SET_T *allowed_values)
 Updates a script to specify a client proposed session property and its allowed values. More...
SCRIPT_T * update_auth_store_trust_client_proposed_property_matches (SCRIPT_T *script, const char *property_name, const char *regular_expression)
 Updates a script to specify a client proposed session property and a regular expression to validate its value. More...
SCRIPT_T * update_auth_store_ignore_client_proposed_property (SCRIPT_T *script, const char *property_name)
 Updates a script to specify that a client proposed session property should be ignored. More...

Detailed Description

Allows the update of the Server system authentication store, which controls principals and trusted proposed session properties.

Typedef Documentation

typedef int(* on_get_system_authentication_store_cb)(SESSION_T *session, const SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_STORE_T store, void *context)

Callback for get_system_authentication_store().

sessionThe current active session.
storeThe response containing the authentication store contents. This structure will be freed on exit so a copy should be taken if it needs to be used outside of the scope of the callback.
contextUser-supplied context from the get_system_authentication_store() call.
typedef int(* on_update_system_authentication_store_cb)(SESSION_T *session, const LIST_T *error_reports, void *context)

Callback for update_system_authentication_store().

sessionThe current active session.
error_reportsAny errors that have occurred while processing the update.
contextUser-supplied context from the update_system_authentication_store() call.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Action to be taken by the system authentication handler for connection attempts that do not provide a principal name and credentials.


Accept anonymous connection attempts.


Deny anonymous connection attempts.


Defer authentication decision for anonymous connection attempts to subsequent authentication handlers.

Function Documentation

void system_authentication_store_free ( SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_STORE_T store)

Free all memory associated with a system authentication store structure.

storeThe system authentication store to be freed.
void system_principal_free ( SYSTEM_PRINCIPAL_T system_principal)

Free all memory associated with a system principal store structure.

system_principalThe system principal store to be freed.