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Interface TopicViews


  • TopicViews




  • Parameters

    • name: string
    • specification: string

    Returns Result<TopicView>

    a Result that completes when a response is received from the server, returning the topic view created by the operation.

    If the task fails, the Result will resolve with an error. Common reasons for failure, include:

    • the specification is invalid;
    • the cluster was repartitioning;
    • the calling session does not have MODIFY_TOPIC_VIEW permission or appropriate path prefix permissions;
    • the session is closed.
    • IllegalArgumentError if the name is empty
    • NullValueError – if any of the arguments are null or undefined


  • Parameters

    • name: string

    Returns Result<TopicView | null>

    a Result that resolves when a response is received from the server, returning a named view if it exists

    If the task fails, the Result will resolve with an Error. Common reasons for failure include:

    • the operation failed due to a transient cluster error;
    • the calling session does not have READ_TOPIC_VIEW permission or appropriate path prefix permissions;
    • the session is closed.
    • NullValueError – if the name is nullorundefined`


  • Returns Result<TopicView[]>

    a Result that resolves when a response is received from the server, returning a list of views sorted by their creation order.

    If the task fails, the Result will resolve with an Error. Common reasons for failure include:

    • the cluster was repartitioning;
    • the calling session does not have READ_TOPIC_VIEW permission or appropriate path prefix permissions;
    • the session is closed.


  • removeTopicView(name: string): Result<void>
  • Parameters

    • name: string

    Returns Result<void>

    a Result that resolves when a response is received from the server.

    If the task fails, the Result will resolve with an Error. Common reasons for failure include:

    • the cluster was repartitioning;
    • the calling session does not have MODIFY_TOPIC_VIEW permission or appropriate path prefix permissions;
    • the session is closed.
    • NullValueError – if the name is nullorundefined`