Sending messages
A client can send a message to a message path without specifying any further details about the intended recipient. In this case, Diffusion® will route the message to one client that has registered a handler matching the message path.
If multiple clients have handlers matching the path, the message will be delivered to one of them at random.
Sending to a specific session
You can send a request message to a specific client session, using its session ID. The receiving client still needs to have a handler that is registered to the same message path.
final JSON request = Diffusion.dataTypes()
.json().fromJsonString("{\"hello\": \"world\"}");
final JSON response = session.feature(Messaging.class)
.sendRequest(sessionId, messagePath, request, JSON.class, JSON.class).get();"Received response: " + response.toJsonString());
const jsonDataType = diffusion.datatypes.json();
const jsonValue = jsonDataType.from({
hello : 'world'
const response = await session.messages.sendRequest(message_path, jsonValue, session_id, jsonDataType);
var jsonRequest = Diffusion.DataTypes.JSON.FromJSONString("{\"hello\": \"world\"}");
IJSON response = await session.Messaging.SendRequestAsync<IJSON, IJSON>(
sessionId, messagePath, jsonRequest);
WriteLine($"Received response: {response.ToJSONString()}.");
static int on_response(
DIFFUSION_DATATYPE response_datatype,
const DIFFUSION_VALUE_T *response,
void *context)
char *response_json_string;
bool success = to_diffusion_json_string(response, &response_json_string, &api_error);
if (success) {
printf("Received response: %s\n\n", response_json_string);
BUF_T *value_buf = buf_create();
write_diffusion_json_value("{\"hello\": \"world\"}", value_buf);
.recipient_session = session_id,
.path = message_path,
.request = value_buf,
.request_datatype = DATATYPE_JSON,
.response_datatype = DATATYPE_JSON,
.on_response = on_response
send_request_to_session(session, parameters);
response = await session.messaging.send_request_to_session(
request=diffusion.datatypes.JSON({"hello": "world"})
print(f"Received response: {response}")
let json_request = try! PTDiffusionJSON(jsonString: "{\"hello\": \"world\"}").request
to: session_id,
path: message_path,
jsonCompletionHandler: { (response: PTDiffusionJSON?, error) in
print("Received response: %@", response!)
Sending to a group of sessions
Using a message path
You can send a message to a group of clients via a message path only.
The Diffusion® Server will send the message to every client that have a registered request handler that matches the message path.
final JSON request = Diffusion.dataTypes()
.json().fromJsonString("{\"hello\": \"world\"}");
.sendRequest(messagePath, request, JSON.class, JSON.class);
const jsonDataType = diffusion.datatypes.json();
const jsonValue = jsonDataType.from({
hello : 'world'
session.messages.sendRequest(message_path, jsonValue, jsonDataType);
var jsonRequest = Diffusion.DataTypes.JSON.FromJSONString("{\"hello\": \"world\"}");
IJSON response = await session.Messaging.SendRequestAsync<IJSON, IJSON>(
messagePath, jsonRequest);
WriteLine($"Received response: {response.ToJSONString()}.");
BUF_T *value_buf = buf_create();
write_diffusion_json_value("{\"hello\": \"world\"}", value_buf);
SEND_REQUEST_PARAMS_T parameters = {
.path = message_path,
.request = value_buf,
.request_datatype = DATATYPE_JSON,
.response_datatype = DATATYPE_JSON,
.on_response = on_response
send_request(session, parameters);
response = await session.messaging.send_request_to_path(
request=diffusion.datatypes.JSON({"hello": "world"})
print(f"Received response: {response}")
let json_request = try! PTDiffusionJSON(jsonString: "{\"hello\": \"world\"}").request
session.messaging.send(json_request, toPath: message_path) { (response: PTDiffusionJSON?, error) in
print("Received response: %@", response!)
Using a session filter
You can send a message to a group of clients matching a session filter. The Diffusion® Server sends the message to every client session with session properties that match the filter.
Only clients with a message request handler matching the message path will receive the message.
final JSON request = Diffusion.dataTypes()
.json().fromJsonString("{\"hello\": \"world\"}");
final int numberOfResponses = session.feature(Messaging.class).sendRequestToFilter(
sessionPropertiesFilter, messagePath, request, JSON.class, JSON.class,
new Messaging.FilteredRequestCallback<JSON>() {
public void onResponse(SessionId sessionId, JSON response) {"on response: " + response);
public void onResponseError(SessionId sessionId, Throwable throwable) {"on error: " + throwable.getMessage());
}).get();"Requests sent: " + numberOfResponses);
// create the request
const jsonDataType = diffusion.datatypes.json();
const jsonValue = jsonDataType.from({
hello : 'world'
// send the message request
private class JSONSessionResponseHandler : IFilteredRequestCallback<IJSON>
public void OnResponse(ISessionId sessionId, IJSON json)
=> WriteLine($"Received response from {sessionId}: {json.ToJSONString()}.");
public void OnResponseError(ISessionId sessionId, Exception error)
=> WriteLine($"Received error from {sessionId}: {error}.");
// Create the request.
var jsonRequest = Diffusion.DataTypes.JSON.FromJSONString("{\"hello\": \"world\"}");
// Create the handler that will receive the responses.
var handler = new JSONSessionResponseHandler();
// Send the message request.
int selectedSessions = await session.Messaging.SendRequestToFilterAsync(sessionPropertiesFilter, messagingPath, jsonRequest, handler);
WriteLine($"Message successfully sent to {selectedSessions} sessions.");
static int on_number_sent(int number_sent, void *context)
printf("Requests sent: %d\n", number_sent);
BUF_T *value_buf = buf_create();
write_diffusion_json_value("{\"hello\": \"world\"}", value_buf);
.path = message_path,
.filter = session_properties_filter,
.request_datatype = DATATYPE_JSON,
.response_datatype = DATATYPE_JSON,
.on_response = on_response,
.on_number_sent = on_number_sent,
.request = value_buf,
send_request_to_filter(session, parameters);
affected_sessions = await session.messaging.send_request_to_filter(
request=diffusion.datatypes.JSON({"hello": "world"}),
print(f"Message successfully sent to {affected_sessions} sessions.")
class JSONSessionResponseHandler: PTDiffusionJSONSessionResponseStreamDelegate {
func diffusionStream(_ stream: PTDiffusionStream,
didReceiveResponseWith json: PTDiffusionJSON,
from sessionId: PTDiffusionSessionId) {
print("Received response from %@: %@", sessionId, json)
func diffusionStream(_ stream: PTDiffusionStream,
didReceiveError error: Error,
from sessionId: PTDiffusionSessionId) {
print("Received error from %@: %@", sessionId, error)
func diffusionStream(_ stream: PTDiffusionStream,
didFailWithError error: Error) {
print("Stream failed with error: %@", error.localizedDescription)
func diffusionDidClose(_ stream: PTDiffusionStream) {
print("Stream is now closed")
// create the request
let json_request = try! PTDiffusionJSON(jsonString: "{\"hello\": \"world\"}").request
// create the handler that will receive the responses
let handler = JSONSessionResponseHandler()
let response_stream = PTDiffusionJSON.sessionResponseStream(with: handler)
// send the message request
toFilter: session_properties_filter,
path: message_path,
responseStream: response_stream) { (selectedSessions, error) in
print("Message successfully sent to %lu sessions", selectedSessions)